我目前正在使用 Capistrano 和多级扩展来管理部署。即使在 config/deploy/stage.rb 中设置 :domain 后,当调用“cap stage deploy”时,它也会提示我输入项目的域名。缺少什么设置?
这是我的 deploy.rb
set :stages, %w(vm rtpstage ciscostage ciscodemo hp)
require 'deprec'
require 'capistrano/ext/multistage'
require 'lib/monit_recipes'
set :application, "systems"
set :repository, "git://github.com/mdwrigh2/systems.git"
# If you aren't using Subversion to manage your source code, specify
# your SCM below:
set :scm, :git
set :user, "rails"
default_run_options[:pty] = true
set :ruby_vm_type, :mri # :ree, :mri
set :web_server_type, :apache # :apache, :nginx
set :app_server_type, :mongrel # :passenger, :mongrel
set :db_server_type, :mysql # :mysql, :postgresql, :sqlite
# set :packages_for_project, %w(libmagick9-dev imagemagick libfreeimage3) # list of packages to be installed
# set :gems_for_project, %w(rmagick mini_magick image_science) # list of gems to be installed
# Update these if you're not running everything on one host.
# If you aren't deploying to /opt/apps/#{application} on the target
# servers (which is the deprec default), you can specify the actual location
# via the :deploy_to variable:
# set :deploy_to, "/opt/apps/#{application}"
namespace :deploy do
task :restart, :roles => :app, :except => { :no_release => true } do
这是我的 vm.rb
set :domain, "juicy.vm"
role :app, "juicy.vm"
role :web, "juicy.vm"
role :db, "juicy.vm", :primary => true
role :monitor, "juicy.vm"