我正在使用 chef 来部署 rails/node 应用程序。当我从公共 github 存储库部署时,一切都部署得很好。不过,我想从私有 github 存储库进行部署,但在这样做时遇到了麻烦。这是我目前正在做的事情
cd ~/.ssh # change directory to my .ssh directory
ssh-keygen -f'deploy_key' -N '' # create a deploy_key key pair without a passphrase
cat deploy_key.pub | pbcopy # copy the public key into my clipboard
-go to https://github.com/HairyMezican/PrivateRepoName/admin/keys
-click on 'Add another deploy key'
-type 'deploy_key' into 'Title' field
- ⌘V (paste command) into 'Key' field
-click 'Add Key'
tr "\n" "#" < deploy_key | sed 's/#/\\n/g' | pbcopy #copy the private key into my clipboard, except with all of the newlines replaced with a slash-n
cd ~/chef-repo #change over the the chef repo directory
mate data_bags/apps/my_app.json #edit the appropriate data bag in TextMate
--set the following couple of lines before saving
-"repository": "https://HairyMezican@github.com/HairyMezican/PrivateRepoName.git",
-"deploy_key": "⌘V (paste command into here)",
knife data bag from file apps data_bags/apps/my_app.json #upload the databag to my chef server
ssh root@ "mkdir ~/.ssh" #create a ssh directory on my remote server
scp ~/.ssh/id_dsa root@ #copy my private key over to the ssh directory on the remote server
cat ~/.ssh/id_dsa.pub | ssh root@ 'cat - >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys' #add my public key into the authorized keys list on the remote server
knife bootstrap -dubuntu10.04-gems -rrole[myapp] #tell my chef server to bootstrap the remote server
一切都很好,直到引导过程尝试从私有存储库进行部署。它显示了这个: [Sat, 03 Dec 2011 01:41:42 +0000] INFO: Processing deploy_revision[myapp] action deploy (application::rails line 155) Password:
然后几乎冻结(从技术上讲,我仍然可以输入,但我输入的内容不会影响脚本),直到 10 分钟后 [Sat, 03 Dec 2011 01:51:51 +0000] ERROR: deploy_revision[myapp] (application::rails line 155) has had an error [Sat, 03 Dec 2011 01:51:51 +0000] ERROR: deploy_revision[myapp] (/var/chef/cache/cookbooks/application/recipes/rails.rb:155:in `from_file') had an error: deploy_revision[myapp] (application::rails line 155) had an error: command timed out:
然后它在 stdout 和 stderr 中列出一个空白输出,以及它试图运行命令的堆栈跟踪