How can I initialize a boost::function object with a raw function pointer?


extern "C"
    class Library
    Library* createLibrary();


void* functionPtr = library.GetFunction("createLibrary");
boost::function<Library*()> functionObj(functionPtr);

Library* libInstance = functionObj();

If you need additional information's just let me know.


2 回答 2


void* is not a function pointer, so you can't create a boost::function from it. You probably want to convert this to a proper function pointer first. How to do that is implementation dependent.

This is how this ugly conversion is recommended in POSIX (rationale):

void* ptr = /* get it from somewhere */;
Library* (*realFunctionPointer)(); // declare a function pointer variable
*(void **) (&realFunctionPointer) = ptr // hack a void* into that variable

Your platform may require different shenanigans.

Once you have such a pointer you can simply do:

boost::function<Library*()> functionObj(realFunctionPtr);

Library* libInstance = functionObj();
于 2011-12-02T15:42:13.740 回答

with boost::bind you can literly bind functions to a boost function object.

boost::function</*proper function pointer type*/> functionObj = boost::bind(functionPtr); 
于 2011-12-02T15:40:40.213 回答