我想使用以下代码更新 XDocument
private static bool ResetUpdateVersion()
// this indicate either the verwsion is different or not
// this will either call the update only or writting the defualt
bool Result = false;
//// check for version using xpath
XPathNavigator navigator = document.CreateNavigator();
//ShortcutList is the main element that contain all the other elements
XPathNavigator node = navigator.SelectSingleNode(@"/ShortcutList");
XmlNamespaceManager ns = new XmlNamespaceManager(navigator.NameTable);
if (node != null)
if (node.GetAttribute("Version", ns.DefaultNamespace) != Version)
node = navigator.SelectSingleNode(@"/ShortcutList/@Version");
node.SetValue( Version);
Result = true;
Result = false;
return Result;
但它引发了 NotSupportedException 就行了node.SetValue( Version);