So this is the scenario. There is company A that has grown significantly over the last few years. But company A has only been targeting a specific market. Now company A realises it can offers its same services on an international level. The logical thing is to start another WHMCS installation for this new sister company, but I want more:
I want only one whmcs installation which caters for two different domains, using two different themes (i have more than one license for this purpose). I have a very good idea of how to sort out the theming, my concern is regarding support tickets, invoices being sent out etc.
I need to know that before I embark on this journey of building this double-merged entity, that it will be possible distinguish between the two sites and the correspondance sent to them etc?
Also, anyone who's actually tried something like this, you'd be my hero if you could share?
And then also, I have a module that more less integrates Drupal with WHMCS. Does anyone see any commercial value in something like that, or should I stop being a snob, finish it, and just release it to the community? I do so see a bit more value if this plugin can even handle multi-site installation (as this is what I'm effectively triny to accomplish now)