I have created a very simple DSL that as a particular shape (TasksGroupShape) that I can't get to enter in edit mode either when the user starts to hit the keyboard or presses F2.

This shape is a geometry shape with a simple text decorator (called Name) linked to a property called Name.

The model element is called TasksGroup and inherits from another domain class called NamedElement (abstract) that has the domain property Name.

This property is a simple string with "Is Element Name" set to true.

This is a simple design that I used in other DSL projects and that worked fine.

Probably there is something wrong with this one but I don't know where to look to find the problem.

Am I forgetting something? Any advice on where to put a breakpoint to understand what is wrong?


1 回答 1


感谢 raskal,在 DSL 工具 MSDN 论坛上找到了这个问题的答案。

问题是该形状定义了 2 个文本装饰器,一个称为“任务组”,另一个按此顺序称为“名称”(这个附加到名称属性)。

重新创建“Tasks Group”装饰器以使“Name”装饰器成为列表中的第一个,这使得 DSL 开始正常运行。


于 2011-12-05T18:22:45.217 回答