R-2.14.0/bin/R --slave -f heatmap.R
Error in axis(1, 1L:nc, labels = labCol, las = 2, line = -0.5, tick = 0, :
X11 font -adobe-helvetica-%s-%s-*-*-%d-*-*-*-*-*-*-*, face 1 at size 9 could not be loaded
Calls: heatmap -> axis
In addition: There were 19 warnings (use warnings() to see them)
Execution halted
以下是 heatmap.R 中包含的代码:
require(graphics); require(grDevices)
x <- as.matrix(mtcars)
rc <- rainbow(nrow(x), start=0, end=.3)
cc <- rainbow(ncol(x), start=0, end=.3)
png("heatmap.png", height=1500, width=1500)
heatmap(x, col = cm.colors(256), scale="column",
RowSideColors = rc, ColSideColors = cc, margins=c(5,10),
xlab = "specification variables", ylab= "Car Models")
如何避免 X11 错误?需要更改哪些配置?