我需要"..."在可调整大小的元素内的文本中间实现省略号 ()。是它可能的样子。所以,

"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet. Ut ornare dignissim ligula sed commodo."


"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet ... commodo."



16 回答 16


在 HTML 中,将完整值放入自定义 data-* 属性中,例如

<span data-original="your string here"></span>

然后将事件侦听load器分配resize给一个 JavaScript 函数,该函数将读取原始数据属性并将其放置在innerHTML您的 span 标签中。以下是省略号函数的示例:

function start_and_end(str) {
  if (str.length > 35) {
    return str.substr(0, 20) + '...' + str.substr(str.length-10, str.length);
  return str;

调整值,或者如果可能的话,使它们动态化,如果需要的话,对于不同的对象。如果你有来自不同浏览器的用户,你可以在你的 dom 中以相同的字体和大小从文本中窃取参考宽度。然后插入适当数量的字符以供使用。

提示也是在 ... 或 who 消息上有一个缩写标签,以使用户能够获得带有完整字符串的工具提示。

<abbr title="simple tool tip">something</abbr>
于 2009-05-06T20:46:23.583 回答


主要思想是将文本分成两个偶数部分(或者第一个更大,如果长度是奇数),其中一个最后有省略号,另一个右对齐text-overflow: clip

因此,如果您想让 js 自动/通用,您需要做的就是拆分字符串并设置属性。


  1. 没有很好的文字包装,甚至是字母(text-overflow: ''目前仅在 FF 中有效)
  2. 如果单词之间发生分裂 - 空格应该在第一部分。否则,它会崩溃。
  3. 字符串的结尾不应该有任何感叹号,因为direction: rtl- 它们将被移动到字符串的左侧。我认为,可以通过将单词的右侧部分放入标签中并将感叹号放入::after伪元素中来解决此问题。但我还没有让它正常工作。

但是,有了所有这些,它对我来说真的很酷,尤其是当你拖动浏览器的边框时,你可以在 jsfiddle 页面上轻松地做到这一点:https ://jsfiddle.net/extempl/93ymy3oL/ 。或者只运行下面固定最大宽度的代码段。



body {
  max-width: 400px;

span::before, span::after {
  display: inline-block;
  max-width: 50%;
  overflow: hidden;
  white-space: pre;

span::before {
  content: attr(data-content-start);
  text-overflow: ellipsis;

span::after {
  content: attr(data-content-end);
  text-overflow: '';
  direction: rtl;
<span data-content-start="Look deep into nature, and then you " 
      data-content-end=  "will understand everything better"></span>

<span data-content-start="https://www.google.com.ua/images/branding/g" 
      data-content-end=  "ooglelogo/2x/googlelogo_color_272x92dp.png"></span>

于 2016-04-07T08:15:27.257 回答

所以我的同事想出了一个不使用额外 dom 元素的解决方案。我们检查div是否溢出并添加最后n个字符的数据属性。其余的在 css 中完成。


<div class="box">
    <div class="ellipsis" data-tail="some">This is my text it is awesome</div>
<div class="box">
    <div class="ellipsis">This is my text</div>


.box {
    width: 200px;

.ellipsis:before {
    float: right;
    content: attr(data-tail);

.ellipsis {
    white-space: nowrap;
    text-overflow: ellipsis;
    overflow: hidden;

这是强制性的 jsfiddle:http: //jsfiddle.net/r96vB/1/

于 2014-06-05T00:04:15.517 回答

以下 Javascript 函数将执行中间截断,如 OS X:

function smartTrim(string, maxLength) {
    if (!string) return string;
    if (maxLength < 1) return string;
    if (string.length <= maxLength) return string;
    if (maxLength == 1) return string.substring(0,1) + '...';

    var midpoint = Math.ceil(string.length / 2);
    var toremove = string.length - maxLength;
    var lstrip = Math.ceil(toremove/2);
    var rstrip = toremove - lstrip;
    return string.substring(0, midpoint-lstrip) + '...' 
    + string.substring(midpoint+rstrip);


var s = '1234567890';
assertEquals(smartTrim(s, -1), '1234567890');
assertEquals(smartTrim(s, 0), '1234567890');
assertEquals(smartTrim(s, 1), '1...');
assertEquals(smartTrim(s, 2), '1...0');
assertEquals(smartTrim(s, 3), '1...90');
assertEquals(smartTrim(s, 4), '12...90');
assertEquals(smartTrim(s, 5), '12...890');
assertEquals(smartTrim(s, 6), '123...890');
assertEquals(smartTrim(s, 7), '123...7890');
assertEquals(smartTrim(s, 8), '1234...7890');
assertEquals(smartTrim(s, 9), '1234...67890');
assertEquals(smartTrim(s, 10), '1234567890');
assertEquals(smartTrim(s, 11), '1234567890');
于 2009-05-06T20:31:07.927 回答

这可能有点晚了,但我一直在寻找解决方案,一位同事提出了一个非常优雅的解决方案,我将分享。它需要一些 JS,但不是很多。


<div style="width: 200px; overflow: hidden"></div>

现在,您有一个函数,它将接受两个参数:一个带有标签的字符串和一个 DOM 元素(this div)以适应它:

function setEllipsisLabel(div, label) 


var span = document.createElement('span');
span.style.textOverflow = 'ellipsis';
span.style.display = 'inline-block';

我们将该text-overflow属性设置为“省略号”,以便在文本被截断时,在末尾添加一个漂亮的“...”来说明这一点。我们还设置display为“inline-block”,以便这些元素具有我们以后可以操作的真实像素尺寸。到目前为止,没有什么是我们用纯 CSS 做不到的。

但是我们想要中间的省略号。首先,我们应该确定我们是否需要它......这可以通过比较div.clientWidth来完成 - 省略号仅在比 宽span.clientWidth时才需要。spandiv

如果我们确实需要省略号,让我们首先说我们希望在单词末尾显示固定数量的字符 - 比如说 10。所以让我们创建一个仅包含标签最后 10 个字符的跨度,并将其粘贴到分区:

var endSpan = document.createElement('span');
endSpan.style.display = 'inline-block';
endspan.appendChild(document.createTextNode(label.substring(label.length - 10)));


span.style.width = (div.clientWidth - endSpan.clientWidth) + 'px';

因此,我们现在有一个看起来像这样的 DOM 结构:

<div style="width: 200px; overflow: hidden">
   <span style="display: inline-block; text-overflow: ellipsis; width: 100px">
      A really long label is shown in this span
   <span style="display: inline-block"> this span</span>

因为第一个spantext-overflow设置为“省略号”,所以它会在末尾显示“...”,然后是第二个跨度的 10 个字符,导致省略号大约显示在div.

您也不需要对 endSpan 的 10 个字符长度进行硬编码:这可以通过计算' 的初始宽度与span' 的初始宽度的比率来近似div,从标签的长度中减去适当的比例并除以 2。

于 2012-05-18T20:12:59.077 回答

你不能用 CSS 做到这一点。问题是 HTML 和 CSS 应该适用于各种浏览器和字体,几乎不可能以一致的方式计算字符串的宽度。这是一个可能对您有所帮助的想法。但是,您需要多次这样做,直到找到具有适当宽度的字符串。

于 2009-05-06T20:46:05.503 回答

在对 flex box 进行了一些研究之后,我发现了这个纯 CSS 解决方案,我认为它非常酷。

<div style="width:100%;border:1px solid green;display:inline-flex;flex-wrap:nowrap;">
   <div style="flex: 0 1 content;text-overflow: ellipsis;overflow:hidden;white-space:nowrap;"> Her comes very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very long </div>
   <div style="flex: 1 0 content;white-space:nowrap;"> &nbsp;but flexible line</div>
于 2016-06-09T09:51:59.447 回答

这是我能找到的最短的位,它将中间的 3 个字符替换为 ....

function shorten(s, max) {
  return s.length > max ? s.substring(0, (max / 2) - 1) + '...' + s.substring(s.length - (max / 2) + 2, s.length) : s
于 2017-10-05T21:35:14.873 回答


const span = document.getElementById("span");
const div = document.getElementById("div");
const originalText = span.textContent;
const textLength = originalText.length;
let part1 = originalText.substr(0, Math.floor(textLength/2));
let part2 = originalText.substr(Math.floor(textLength/2));
let trimPart1 = true;
while (span.clientWidth > div.clientWidth) {
    if (trimPart1) {
    part1 = part1.substr(0, part1.length - 1);
  } else {
    part2 = part2.substr(-1 * (part2.length - 1));
    span.textContent = part1 + "..." + part2;
  trimPart1 = !trimPart1;
<div id="div" style="overflow: hidden; width: 200px; white-space: nowrap;">
  <span id="span" style="display: inline-block">this is a quite long text that has some words and I want it to be split in half</span>


Mac 的 Finder 以同样的方式工作,它首先尝试剥离左侧部分,然后是右侧部分。所以,它可能有WWWW...WWWWW,就像我的解决方案一样。

虽然它不是最有效的。也许,同样可以使用虚拟 DOM 或画布来更好地优化性能。

于 2020-11-10T05:43:09.497 回答


function truncate(text, textLimit) {
    if (!text) return text;
    if (textLimit < 1) return string;
    if (text.length < textLimit) return text;
    if (textLimit === 1) return text.substring(0,1) + '...';
    /* extract the last word */
    var lastPart = text.slice( string.lastIndexOf(' ')+1 );
    /* if last word is longer then a third of the max available space
       cut it from the left */
    var lastPartLimit = Math.ceil(textLimit / 3);
    if(lastPart.length > lastPartLimit) {
        var truncatedLastPart = lastPart;
        /* Try to find a dash and cut the last word there */
        var lastDashPart = text.slice( text.lastIndexOf('-')+1 );
        if(lastDashPart.length < lastPartLimit){
            truncatedLastPart = lastDashPart;
        /* If the last part is still to long or not available cut it anyway */
        if(truncatedLastPart.length > lastPartLimit) {
            var lastIndex = lastPart.length - lastPartLimit;
            truncatedLastPart = lastPart.substring( lastIndex );
        lastPart = truncatedLastPart;
    var dots = '... ';
    var firsPartLength = textLimit - lastPart.length - dots.length;
    return text.substring(0, firstPartLength) + dots + lastPart;

console.log( truncate("New York City", 10) ); // Ne... City (max of 10 characters)
console.log( truncate("New York Kindergarden", 14) ); // Ne...ergarden (max of 14 characters, last word gets cut from the left by a third)
console.log( truncate("New York Kinder-garden", 14) ); // Ne...garden (max of 14 characters, last word gets cut by the dash from the left)
于 2019-05-17T09:04:18.243 回答

这是我的看法——一个纯 CSS 的解决方案,遗憾的是现在只能在 Firefox 中使用:

div {
  width: 20em;
  overflow: hidden;
  white-space: nowrap;
  text-overflow: ellipsis;
  text-overflow: " … is also your text.";
<div>Here's the long string of letters that accidentally is also your text.</div>

text-overflow如果需要动态文本,可以直接在元素上指定第二个声明。不支持这种语法的浏览器(Chrome,尤其是 :-)将回退到普通的旧省略号。

于 2021-07-16T10:14:53.587 回答

我刚刚创建了一个可以在中间、nearEnd 和 End 修剪但尚未测试的函数,因为我最终在服务器端需要它

//position acceptable values : middle, end, closeEnd
function AddElipsis(input, maxChars, position) {
    if (typeof input === 'undefined') {
        return "";
    else if (input.length <= maxChars) {
        return input;
    else {
        if (position == 'middle') {
            var midPos = Math.floor(maxChars / 2) - 2;
            return input.substr(0, midPos) + '...' + input.substr(input.length - midPos, input.length);
        else if (position == 'closeEnd') {
            var firstPart = Math.floor(maxChars * 0.80) - 2;
            var endPart = Math.floor(maxChars * 0.20) - 2;
            return input.substr(0, firstPart) + '...' + input.substr(input.length - endPart, input.length);
        else {
            return input.substr(0, maxChars - 3) + '...';
于 2014-10-30T08:36:10.363 回答


function truncate( str, max, sep ) {
    max = max || 10;
    var len = str.length;
    if(len > max){
        sep = sep || "...";
        var seplen = sep.length;
        if(seplen > max) { return str.substr(len - max) }

        var n = -0.5 * (max - len - seplen);
        var center = len/2;
        return str.substr(0, center - n) + sep + str.substr(len - center + n);
    return str;

console.log( truncate("123456789abcde") ); // 123...bcde (using built-in defaults) 
console.log( truncate("123456789abcde", 8) ); // 12...cde (max of 8 characters) 
console.log( truncate("123456789abcde", 12, "_") ); // 12345_9abcde (customize the separator) 
于 2015-06-03T07:32:15.080 回答


function ellipsis(str, maxLength, ellipsisLocationPercentage,placeholder) {
    str - the string you want to maninpulate
    maxLength -  max number of characters allowed in return string
    ellipsisLocationPercentage (optional) - How far (percentage wise) into the return string you want the ellipses to be placed
        .85 : This is a very long string. This is a very long string. This is a very long string. This is a ver[...]very long string.
        .25 : This is a very long string. [...]g. This is a very long string. This is a very long string. This is a very long string.
    placeholder (optional) - this will be used to replace the removed substring. Suggestions : '...', '[..]', '[ ... ]', etc....
    if(ellipsisLocationPercentage == null || isNaN(ellipsisLocationPercentage) || ellipsisLocationPercentage >= 1 || ellipsisLocationPercentage <= 0){
        //we've got null or bad data.. default to something fun, like 85% (that's fun, right??)
        ellipsisLocationPercentage = .85;
    if(placeholder == null || placeholder ==""){
        placeholder = "[...]";

    if (str.length > (maxLength-placeholder.length)) {
        //get the end of the string
        var beginning = str.substr(0, (maxLength - placeholder.length)*ellipsisLocationPercentage );
        var end = str.substr(str.length-(maxLength - placeholder.length) * (1-ellipsisLocationPercentage));
        return beginning + placeholder + end;
    return str;


ellipsis("This is a very long string. Be Scared!!!!", 8);//uses default values
ellipsis("This is a very long string. Be Scared!!!!", 8,.5);//puts ellipsis at half way point
ellipsis("This is a very long string. Be Scared!!!!", 8,.75,'<..>');//puts ellipsis at 75% of the way into the string and uses '<..>' as the placeholder
于 2015-08-26T18:40:10.857 回答


function prepareText(text){
  var returnString = text;
  var textLimit = 35;
  if(text.length > textLimit){
    var lastWord = text.slice( text.lastIndexOf(' ')+1 );
    var indexFromEnd = lastWord.length;
    var ellipsis = '... ';

    returnString = text.slice(0, textLimit - indexFromEnd - ellipsis.length);
    returnString = returnString + ellipsis + lastWord;
  return returnString;

$('#ex1Modified').html( prepareText( $('#ex1').html() ) );

$('#ex2Modified').html( prepareText( $('#ex2').html() ) );

$('#ex3Modified').html( prepareText( $('#ex3').html() ) );
body{color:#777; font-family: sans-serif;}
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js"></script>

<h2>Shortened Quotes from Albert Einstein</h2>

<div id="ex1">"The true sign of intelligence is not knowledge but imagination."</div>
<div id="ex1Modified"></div>
<div id="ex2">"Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better."</div>
<div id="ex2Modified"></div>
<div id="ex3">"You can't blame gravity for falling in love."</div>
<div id="ex3Modified"></div>

于 2016-03-30T20:55:57.453 回答


function truncateMiddle(word) {
    const tooLongChars = 15; // arbitrary

    if (word.length < tooLongChars) {
        return word;

    const ellipsis = '...';
    const charsOnEitherSide = Math.floor(tooLongChars / 2) - ellipsis.length;

    return word.slice(0, charsOnEitherSide) + ellipsis + word.slice(-charsOnEitherSide);
于 2019-09-13T19:09:30.197 回答