好的,我的代码应该从文件中读取一个数字,然后使用该数字读取该数量的单词作为字典单词。然后我将这些单词存储到一个数组中并保留它们以供以后使用。在文件中的字典单词出现某个段落之后,我将其读入并将其设置为 c 字符串数组。(到目前为止,我已经全部记下来了)但是对于程序的最后一部分,我需要返回该段落 c -string 并计算每个字典单词出现的次数。我目前正在尝试 para.find (word[0]) 但我遇到了一些我不知道如何修复的错误。
错误:|40|错误:在'paragraph'中请求成员'find',它是非类类型'char [2000]'|
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <cstring>
#include <windows.h>
using namespace std;
int main()
ifstream inStream; //declare ifstream
inStream.open("infile2.txt"); //open my file
int number; // number at the begining of the file that lets the program know
inStream >> number; // how many dictionary words are to be expected.
cout << number << " dictionary word(s)" << endl << endl;
char dict[30];
char text[2000];
char paragraph[2000]; // declareing some stuff
int count;
int position;
string word[5];
for (int i=0; i<number; i++) // using c string to set the 'number' amount of words in the dict array
word[i] = dict;
for (int i=0; i<number; i++) // cout so i can see its all set up right.
cout << "word " << i+1 << " is: " << word[i] << endl;
cout << endl;
inStream.get(paragraph,2000,'|'); // setting the rest of the paragrapg of the txt document to a c string
cout << paragraph; // so it can be searched later using the 'dict' words
position = paragraph.find (word[0]); // trying to find the position of the first word stored in 'dict[0]' but i run into an error
return 0;
infile2.txt 看起来像这样: