嘿伙计们,我不确定我是否以正确的方式进行这一切。我需要斐波那契数列的前 12 个数字来计算我已经很确定它在做什么。但是现在我需要使用 dumpMem 在我的程序中显示 (Fibonacci) 的十六进制内容。我需要打印:01 01 02 03 05 08 0D 15 22 37 59 90
但我只得到:01 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
INCLUDE Irvine32.inc
reg DWORD -1,1,0 ; Initializes a DOUBLEWORD array, giving it the values of -1, 1, and 0
array DWORD 48 DUP(?)
Fibonacci BYTE 1, 1, 10 DUP (?)
main PROC
mov array, 1
mov esi,OFFSET array ; or should this be Fibonacci?
mov ecx,12
add esi, 4
mov edx, [reg]
mov ebx, [reg+4]
mov [reg+8], edx
add [reg+8], ebx ; Adds the value of the EBX and 'temp(8)' together and stores it as temp(8)
mov eax, [reg+8] ; Moves the value of 'temp(8)' into the EAX register
mov [esi], eax ; Moves the value of EAX into the offset of array
mov [reg], ebx ; Moves the value of the EBX register to 'temp(0)'
mov [reg+4], eax ; Moves the value of the EAX register to 'temp(4)
add esi, 4
; call DumpRegs
call WriteInt
loop L1
;mov ebx, offset array
;mov ecx, 12
;mov eax, [esi]
;add esi, 4
;call WriteInt
;loop L2
;Below will show hexadecimal contents of string target-----------------
mov esi, OFFSET Fibonacci ; offset the variables
mov ebx,1 ; byte format
mov ecx, SIZEOF Fibonacci ; counter
call dumpMem
main ENDP
END main