有没有人能够在 vb6 中下载包含 CDO 附件的电子邮件?
我仍然不确定您要从哪里检索电子邮件,但这里有一些用于从 Exchange 服务器检索电子邮件的代码。我这样做是为了学习一些我在另一个项目中需要的方法,所以它不是生产质量,但应该让你开始。此代码取决于已在运行此代码的计算机上设置的 Exchange 客户端。
Function Util_CreateSessionAndLogon(Optional LogOnName As Variant) As Boolean
On Error GoTo err_CreateSessionAndLogon
Set objSession = CreateObject("MAPI.Session")
objSession.Logon , , False, False
Util_CreateSessionAndLogon = True
Exit Function
Util_CreateSessionAndLogon = False
Exit Function
End Function
Public Function GetMessageInfo(ByRef msgArray() As String) As Long
Dim objInboxFolder As Folder ' Folder object
Dim objInMessages As mapi.Messages ' Messages collection
Dim objMessage As Message ' Message object
Dim InfoRtnString
Dim i As Long
Dim lngMsgCount As Long
InfoRtnString = ""
If objSession Is Nothing Then
If Util_CreateSessionAndLogon = False Then
Err.Raise 429, "IBS_MAPI_CLASS", "Unable to create MAPI session object."
Exit Function
End If
End If
Set objInboxFolder = objSession.Inbox
Set objInMessages = objInboxFolder.Messages
lngMsgCount = objInMessages.Count
ReDim msgArray(0) 'initalize the array
For Each objMessage In objInMessages
If i / lngMsgCount * 100 > 100 Then
RaiseEvent PercentDone(100)
RaiseEvent PercentDone(i / lngMsgCount * 100)
End If
InfoRtnString = ""
i = i + 1
ReDim Preserve msgArray(i)
InfoRtnString = InfoRtnString & Chr$(0) & objMessage.ID
InfoRtnString = InfoRtnString & Chr$(0) & objMessage.Subject
InfoRtnString = InfoRtnString & Chr$(0) & objMessage.Sender
InfoRtnString = InfoRtnString & Chr$(0) & objMessage.TimeSent
InfoRtnString = InfoRtnString & Chr$(0) & objMessage.TimeReceived
InfoRtnString = InfoRtnString & Chr$(0) & "" 'objMessage.Text
InfoRtnString = InfoRtnString & Chr$(0) & objMessage.Unread
InfoRtnString = InfoRtnString & Chr$(0) & objMessage.Attachments.Count
msgArray(i) = InfoRtnString
GetMessageInfo = i
End Function
Function GetAttachments(msgID As String, lstBox As ListBox) As Boolean
Dim objMessage As Message ' Messages object
Dim AttchName As String
Dim i As Integer
Dim x As Long
If objSession Is Nothing Then
x = Util_CreateSessionAndLogon()
End If
Set objMessage = objSession.GetMessage(msgID)
For i = 1 To objMessage.Attachments.Count
Select Case objMessage.Attachments.Item(i).Type
Case Is = 1 'contents of a file
AttchName = objMessage.Attachments.Item(i).Name
If Trim$(AttchName) = "" Then
lstBox.AddItem "Could not read"
lstBox.AddItem AttchName
End If
lstBox.ItemData(lstBox.NewIndex) = i
Case Is = 2 'link to a file
lstBox.AddItem objMessage.Attachments.Item(i).Name
lstBox.ItemData(lstBox.NewIndex) = i
Case Is = 1 'OLE object
Case Is = 4 'embedded object
lstBox.AddItem "Embedded Object"
lstBox.ItemData(lstBox.NewIndex) = i
End Select
Next i
GetAttachments = True
End Function