I have an upnp library .Am making it to work as a controlled device.It works fine with UPNP 1.0 standard.How will I make sure that it will gracefully handle UPNP 1.1 controlpoint/control device request as well. There is no doccumentation for library :( I searched in the source code for new headers like BOOTID etc .No new headers(according to 1.1) are found in the code .. Is there any way to make sure that my solution will work with 1.0 and 1.1 as well.

Regards Varunjith


1 回答 1


v1.1 与 v1.0 向后兼容,因此任何表现良好的控制点都应该在您的 v1.0 设备上运行良好。

再想一想,我不确定 v1.1 是否包含任何额外的控制点功能。虽然写得不好的控制点可能会假设设备消息中存在 v1.1 标头,但那里有很多 v1.0 设备,任何此类有缺陷的控制点都会很快被注意到并修复。

这是一种迂回的说法,我认为您已经可以确信您的解决方案将适用于 v1.1。

于 2011-11-28T08:57:04.233 回答