您能告诉我们 SQLite 数据字典中所有表和表列的名称吗?


我正在将此信息用于我正在开发的 Basic4Android 应用程序。


' Create the PeopleToVisit table which holds lookup data about each visit.
If SQL.ExecQuerySingleResult( _
    "SELECT count(name) FROM sqlite_master WHERE type='table' AND name='PeopleToVisit'") _
    = 0 Then

    ToastMessageShow("Creating the People to Visit table.", False)

    ' Create it now since it doesn't yet exist.
    SQL.ExecNonQuery("CREATE TABLE PeopleToVisit (" & _
        "Id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, " & _
        "FirstName TEXT, " & _
        "LastName TEXT, " & _
        "Address1 TEXT, " & _
        "Address2 TEXT, " & _
        "City TEXT, " & _
        "State TEXT, " & _
        "Zip TEXT " & _
End If

' New table columns for Version 1.2

' Coding for when new data columns need to be added to the database table.
strCreateTableStatement = _
    SQL.ExecQuerySingleResult("SELECT sql " & _
                                "FROM sqlite_master " & _
                               "WHERE Type = 'table' AND name = 'PeopleToVisit'")

' Check if the new columns are in the table.
If strCreateTableStatement.IndexOf("PrimaryPhone TEXT") = -1 Then

    ' We need to add the new columns to the table.
    SQL.ExecNonQuery("ALTER TABLE PeopleToVisit ADD COLUMN PrimaryPhone TEXT")
    SQL.ExecNonQuery("ALTER TABLE PeopleToVisit ADD COLUMN SecondaryPhone TEXT")
    SQL.ExecNonQuery("ALTER TABLE PeopleToVisit ADD COLUMN Email TEXT")
    SQL.ExecNonQuery("ALTER TABLE PeopleToVisit ADD COLUMN LastVisitNote TEXT")     
End If

1 回答 1



SELECT name FROM sqlite_master WHERE type='table'


pragma table_info(table_name)
于 2011-11-27T21:12:36.047 回答