我有一种模仿 Monad 的数据类型
data M o = R o | forall o1. B (o1 -> M o) (M o1)
现在我为它创建一个上下文,类似于Haskell Wiki 文章中描述的 Zipper,但是为了简单起见,我使用函数而不是数据结构 -
type C o1 o2 = M o1 -> M o2
ctx :: M o -> (M o1 -> M o, M o1)
ctx (B f m) = (B f, m) -- Doesn't typecheck
错误是 -
Couldn't match type `o2' with `o1'
`o2' is a rigid type variable bound by
a pattern with constructor
B :: forall o o1. (o1 -> M o) -> M o1 -> M o,
in an equation for `ctx'
at delme1.hs:6:6
`o1' is a rigid type variable bound by
the type signature for ctx :: M o -> (M o1 -> M o, M o1)
at delme1.hs:6:1
Expected type: M o2
Actual type: M o1
In the expression: m
In the expression: (B f, m)
但是,我可以像这样解决它 -
ctx (B f m) = let (c,m') = ctx m in ((B f) . c, m') -- OK
通过检查 R 来转换为完整的函数,我会再次收到类型检查错误 -
ctx (R o) = (id, R o) -- Doesn't typecheck
错误 -
Couldn't match type `o' with `o1'
`o' is a rigid type variable bound by
the type signature for ctx :: M o -> (M o1 -> M o, M o1)
at delme1.hs:7:1
`o1' is a rigid type variable bound by
the type signature for ctx :: M o -> (M o1 -> M o, M o1)
at delme1.hs:7:1
In the first argument of `R', namely `o'
In the expression: R o
In the expression: (id, R o)