For my phD project I need to do microscopy imaging. I cooked up an application using C#/winforms/GDI that allows me to display my images, zoom/pan them and display a ruler.

However, the thing is quite buggy, although usable...

What I need now is some kind of system to store a list of POIs (points of interest) based on user interaction.

These points can be used to center the image on them/direct the imaging hardware to them etc...

I have no clue how to go about this in the most efficient way. There is at least one commercial control that pretty much does what I want but it is very expensive, not open source and intended for use on web forms.:

Example Zoomcontrol

Who can help... deadlines are looming... :s


1 回答 1


您可以在您的 winform 中使用网络浏览器并尝试使用 jquery 进行放大。请参阅网站http://plugins.jquery.com/project/imageZoom

于 2011-06-10T05:55:11.317 回答