好吧,看起来在模拟器的 SpringBoardServices 二进制文件上使用 nm 和 IDA 对我有所帮助。以下代码适用于在 iPod Touch 4、iPhone 4 和 iPad1 WiFi(全非 JB)上运行的 iOS 5.0.1 当然,您永远不应该尝试将其提交到 AppStore
- (NSArray*) getActiveApps
mach_port_t *p;
void *uikit = dlopen(UIKITPATH, RTLD_LAZY);
int (*SBSSpringBoardServerPort)() =
dlsym(uikit, "SBSSpringBoardServerPort");
p = (mach_port_t *)SBSSpringBoardServerPort();
void *sbserv = dlopen(SBSERVPATH, RTLD_LAZY);
NSArray* (*SBSCopyApplicationDisplayIdentifiers)(mach_port_t* port, BOOL runningApps,BOOL debuggable) =
dlsym(sbserv, "SBSCopyApplicationDisplayIdentifiers");
//SBDisplayIdentifierForPID - protype assumed,verification of params done
void* (*SBDisplayIdentifierForPID)(mach_port_t* port, int pid,char * result) =
dlsym(sbserv, "SBDisplayIdentifierForPID");
//SBFrontmostApplicationDisplayIdentifier - prototype assumed,verification of params done,don't call this TOO often(every second on iPod touch 4G is 'too often,every 5 seconds is not)
void* (*SBFrontmostApplicationDisplayIdentifier)(mach_port_t* port,char * result) =
dlsym(sbserv, "SBFrontmostApplicationDisplayIdentifier");
//Get frontmost application
char frontmostAppS[256];
NSString * frontmostApp=[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%s",frontmostAppS];
//NSLog(@"Frontmost app is %@",frontmostApp);
//get list of running apps from SpringBoard
NSArray *allApplications = SBSCopyApplicationDisplayIdentifiers(p,NO, NO);
//Really returns ACTIVE applications(from multitasking bar)
/* NSLog(@"Active applications:");
for(NSString *identifier in allApplications) {
// NSString * locName=SBSCopyLocalizedApplicationNameForDisplayIdentifier(p,identifier);
NSLog(@"Active Application:%@",identifier);
//get list of all apps from kernel
int mib[4] = {CTL_KERN, KERN_PROC, KERN_PROC_ALL, 0};
size_t miblen = 4;
size_t size;
int st = sysctl(mib, miblen, NULL, &size, NULL, 0);
struct kinfo_proc * process = NULL;
struct kinfo_proc * newprocess = NULL;
do {
size += size / 10;
newprocess = realloc(process, size);
if (!newprocess){
if (process){
return nil;
process = newprocess;
st = sysctl(mib, miblen, process, &size, NULL, 0);
} while (st == -1 && errno == ENOMEM);
if (st == 0){
if (size % sizeof(struct kinfo_proc) == 0){
int nprocess = size / sizeof(struct kinfo_proc);
if (nprocess){
NSMutableArray * array = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
for (int i = nprocess - 1; i >= 0; i--){
int ruid=process[i].kp_eproc.e_pcred.p_ruid;
int uid=process[i].kp_eproc.e_ucred.cr_uid;
//short int nice=process[i].kp_proc.p_nice;
//short int u_prio=process[i].kp_proc.p_usrpri;
short int prio=process[i].kp_proc.p_priority;
NSString * processID = [[NSString alloc] initWithFormat:@"%d", process[i].kp_proc.p_pid];
NSString * processName = [[NSString alloc] initWithFormat:@"%s", process[i].kp_proc.p_comm];
BOOL systemProcess=YES;
if (ruid==501)
char * appid[256];
int intID,intID2;
NSString * appId=[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%s",appid];
if (systemProcess==NO)
if ([appId isEqualToString:@""])
//final check.if no appid this is not springboard app
NSLog(@"(potentially system)Found process with PID:%@ name %@,isSystem:%d,Priority:%d",processID,processName,systemProcess,prio);
BOOL isFrontmost=NO;
if ([frontmostApp isEqualToString:appId])
NSNumber *isFrontmostN=[NSNumber numberWithBool:isFrontmost];
NSDictionary * dict = [[NSDictionary alloc] initWithObjects:[NSArray arrayWithObjects:processID, processName,appId,isFrontmostN, nil]
forKeys:[NSArray arrayWithObjects:@"ProcessID", @"ProcessName",@"AppID",@"isFrontmost", nil]];
NSLog(@"PID:%@, name: %@, AppID:%@,isFrontmost:%d",processID,processName,appId,isFrontmost);
[array addObject:dict];
return array;
当然,第二个循环并不是绝对必要的,但我也需要非本地化的名称和 PID。