Public Function CleanText(ByVal str As String) As String
'removes HTML tags and other characters that title tags and descriptions don't like
If Not String.IsNullOrEmpty(str) Then
'mini db of extended tags to get rid of
Dim indexChars() As String = {"<a", "<img", "<input type=""hidden"" name=""tax""", "<input type=""hidden"" name=""handling""", "<span", "<p", "<ul", "<div", "<embed", "<object", "<param"}
For i As Integer = 0 To indexChars.GetUpperBound(0) 'loop through indexchars array
Dim indexOfInput As Integer = 0
Do 'get rid of links
indexOfInput = str.IndexOf(indexChars(i)) 'find instance of indexChar
If indexOfInput <> -1 Then
Dim indexNextLeftBracket As Integer = str.IndexOf("<", indexOfInput) + 1
Dim indexRightBracket As Integer = str.IndexOf(">", indexOfInput) + 1
'check to make sure a right bracket hasn't been left off a tag
If indexNextLeftBracket > indexRightBracket Then 'normal case
str = str.Remove(indexOfInput, indexRightBracket - indexOfInput)
'add the right bracket right before the next left bracket, just remove everything
'in the bad tag
str = str.Insert(indexNextLeftBracket - 1, ">")
indexRightBracket = str.IndexOf(">", indexOfInput) + 1
str = str.Remove(indexOfInput, indexRightBracket - indexOfInput)
End If
End If
Loop Until indexOfInput = -1
End If
Return str
End Function