我正在开发一个允许用户重置密码的 PHP 页面。我已经到了输入用户名并发送电子邮件的地步,其中包含更改密码的链接。


Notice: Undefined index: email in C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Apache2.2\htdocs\reset-password.php on line 112

Notice: Undefined index: hash in C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Apache2.2\htdocs\reset-password.php on line 112

这是我的 reset-password.php 代码...

$msg = "";

    // If user is visiting using the link provided in the email
    if(isset($_GET['email']) && !empty($_GET['email']) AND isset($_GET['hash']) && !empty($_GET['hash']))
        $email = checkInput($_GET['email']); // Set email variable  
        $hash = checkInput($_GET['hash']); // Set hash variable  

        $search = mysql_query("SELECT email, hash FROM users WHERE email='".$email."' AND hash='".$hash."'") or die(mysql_error());  
        $match  = mysql_num_rows($search);  

        if($match > 0)
            // There is a match -> show change password form
            // No match -> dont show password form (invalid url)
            $msg .= '<div class="success" align="center">An email with a link to reset your password has been sent to your registered email account. Please click the link to reset your password.</div>';

    // Else user is not visting from a link provided in an email.
        // First check if user has already submitted form to send change password link
            $username = checkInput($_POST['username']); 
            $query = "SELECT username FROM users WHERE username = '$username'";
            $result = mysql_query($query);
            $search = mysql_num_rows($result);
            // Checks if the username they entered exists - if so, call sendResetMail function. 
            if($search > 0)
                $msg .= '<div class="success" align="center">An email with a link to reset your password has been sent to your registered email account. Please click the link to reset your password.</div>';  
                sendResetMail(); // Calls the sendMail function - sends the activation email to the user.
            // Else username does not exist in database
                $msg .= '<div class="error" align="center">That username does not exist. Please try again.</div>';
        // If user has not already submitted form, show them form.
            $msg .= "request email";

    /* Initialize  empty containers for the errors */
    $rpnewpass_errors = "";
    $rpnewpasschk_errors = "";
    $msg = "";

    // If changePassForm has been submitted
        $newpass=isset($_POST['newpass']) ? checkInput($_POST['newpass']) : '';
        $newpasschk=isset($_POST['newpasschk']) ? checkInput($_POST['newpasschk']) : '';

        /* Checks all fields were entered */  
        if(!$_POST['newpass'] || !$_POST['newpasschk'])
            $msg .= '<div class="error" align="center">You didn\'t a required field - please complete all the fields</div>';

            /* Once all fields are entered - perform form validation */

            /* Checks the new password field is entered */      
                $rpnewpass_errors .= "You didn't enter a new password";

            /* Checks if the password contains at least 8 characters, lower/upper case letters and a number. */
            if(preg_match("/^.*(?=.{8,})(?=.*[0-9])(?=.*[a-z])(?=.*[A-Z]).*$/", $newpass) === 0)
                $msg .= '<div class="error" align="center">Password must be at least 8 characters and contain at least one lower case letter, one upper case letter and a number</div>';

            /* Checks the verify new password field is entered */
                $msg .= '<div class="error" align="center">You didnt verify your new password.</div>';

            /* Checks if the new password and verify new password match */
            if($newpass != $newpasschk)
                $msg .= '<div class="error" align="center">Sorry, your passwords do not match.</div>';

            /* Checks if all error containers are empty, then proceeds with password change */
            if(empty($rpnewpass_errors) && empty($rpnewpasschk_errors))
            $query="SELECT username FROM users WHERE email = '$email' AND hash = '$hash'";
            echo $query; // for troubleshooting purposes, variables are echoing empty

            if($num == 1)
                $query="UPDATE users SET password = '$md5newpass' WHERE username = '$row[0]'";

                if(mysql_affected_rows() == 1) 
                    $msg .= '<div class="error" align="center">Your password has been changed successfully</div>';

                    $msg .= '<div class="error" align="center">Your password could not be changed. Please try again</div>';
                    $msg .= '<div class="error" align="center">Your username and password do not match our records</div>';


我想我在某个地方/不知何故从链接中丢失了 GET 变量,但不知道如何解决这个问题 - 这是漫长的一天,我已经坚持了一段时间,所以为任何明显的错误道歉!



1 回答 1


你肯定 $email 和 $hash 都设置在这条线上了吗?

    $query="SELECT username FROM users WHERE email = '$email' AND hash = '$hash'";
    echo $query; // for troubleshooting purposes, variables are echoing empty


if(isset($_GET['email']) && !empty($_GET['email']) AND isset($_GET['hash']) && !empty($_GET['hash']))

如果用户名不存在,您可能不应该告诉用户,并且还基于单个令牌将请求写入单独的数据库表,而不是依赖于电子邮件和哈希的 get var。只是我的观点。

于 2011-11-21T23:07:47.973 回答