


2 回答 2


A CEP engine will help if time has a strong influence in your decision model. For example : deciding to fire event X, if event Y and Z happen in the same given time window. Another example is the capability to aggregate events over time windows.

Another influence of time is latency constraint : ie. you want to process event in a short timescale (eg. 100ms or much less). CEP fits very well in that situation.

But both technologies are more or less complementary. In particular, some CEP tools have inference rules. Or you can have a first processing stage with a CEP engine (filtering, aggregation, composition of events), and then you query an expert system to decide what to do with your aggregated, complex event.

Here is an article about some use-cases of CEP that may help : Complex Event Processing

于 2011-11-24T16:38:29.847 回答

它们不一样。@MDE 写了关于 SEP 的文章,但专家系统给出了决定。它不处理事件,它的任务是根据 (X, Y, Z, ....) 参数给出答案。如果你想触发事件,那么它是 CEP,但如果你需要对它们进行分析,那么它是专家系统。正如@Bob 所写,它们可以一起使用:例如,CEP 捕获事件专家系统以“思考”然后,SEP 将其回火。

于 2013-12-08T08:49:45.410 回答