这是代码,问题是我应该将 var MyTotal 放在哪里,以便可以在视图中的任何位置使用它:
//if I place it here the next CDATA inside IconItemRender can't see it.
private static var MyTotal:Number=0;
<s:CurrencyFormatter id="usdFormatter" useCurrencySymbol="true"/>
<s:IconItemRender ..............>
//if I place it here the Label "TotalAmountLb" can't see it.
// and it get reset to 0 everytime I call the function getInvoiceAmount.
private static var MyTotal:Number=0;
private function getInvoiceAmount(item:Object):String
MyTotal = MyTotal + Number(item.Amount);
<s:Label id="TotalAmountLb" text="{usdFormatter.format(MyTotal)}"/>