1. LLVM 是否会在可能的情况下自动将 Objective-C 方法转换为内联函数?

    (即,为一个可以内联粘贴的代码块创建一个 Objective-C 方法是否同样高效?)

  2. 如果 LLVM 不执行此优化,为什么不呢?如果是这样,(a)我必须设置某些构建设置才能发生这种情况吗?(b) 如何判断一个 Objective-C 方法是否会被内联?


3 回答 3


No, because its impossible to know in the context of the Obj-C runtime if those kind of optimizations can be performed. The thing to remember is that Obj-C methods are invoked by a message send, these messages can come from more than just the [myObject doSomething] syntax.

Consider [obj performSelector:NSSelectorFromString(@"hello")] the fact that this can happen means that it would be impossible to ever inline any method.

There is also a chain of events that happens when a message is received by a class, these events can reroute, or even change the message that is being sent. This happens transparently underneath the message send.

于 2011-11-19T14:02:15.353 回答

No. It is an essential feature of Objective-C that message dispatch (remember that in Obj-C you send a message, you don't call a method) happens dynamically at runtime, not at compile time.

Because of this, a message dispatch in Obj-C will always be a little slower than a pure function call (even if the function is not inlined).

于 2011-11-19T14:05:39.887 回答


@implementation AwesomeClass 

- (void)doFoo OBJC_INLINE { // or some way to indicate "this is an inline method"
  NSLog(@"doing foo!");

- (void)doBar {
  [self doAwesomeStuff];
  [self doFoo];



- (void)doBar {
  [self doAwesomeStuff];
    NSLog(@"doing foo!");

太棒了,这似乎会更快,对吧?我们通过不调用来节省一打指令objc_msgSend。因此,您将其打包并作为 .a 文件在线发布。

NSCleverCoder 出现并说“但我想做doFoo更多”,所以他这样做了:

@interface SuperAwesomeClass : AwesomeClass @end
@implementation SuperAwesomeClass
- (void)doFoo {
  NSLog(@"doing more foo!");
  [super doFoo];



不,这不对。在 Objective-C 中,在应用程序的开发或执行的任何时候这样做都是完全合法的。我可以在编写代码时做到这一点。哎呀,我什至可以在运行时通过使用objc_allocateClassPairclass_addMethod动态创建子类并添加方法覆盖来做到这一点。

我还可以调配方法实现。不喜欢现有的-doFoo? 这很酷; 用你自己的替换它。等一下; 如果该方法是内联的,那么您的新实现将永远不会被调用,因为-doBar实际上从未调用该-doFoo方法。


于 2011-11-30T18:11:54.693 回答