在 C# 中,我有以下类,它编译得很好:

class CustomItem { }

class CustomList : IList<CustomItem>
    public CustomItem this[int index]
        get { return null; }
        set { throw new NotImplementedException(); }
    public void CopyTo(CustomItem[] array, int arrayIndex)

    public int Count { get { return 10; } }
    public int IndexOf(CustomItem item) { throw new NotImplementedException(); }
    public void Insert(int index, CustomItem item) { throw new NotImplementedException(); }
    public void RemoveAt(int index) { throw new NotImplementedException(); }
    public void Add(CustomItem item) { throw new NotImplementedException(); }
    public void Clear() { throw new NotImplementedException(); }
    public bool Contains(CustomItem item) { throw new NotImplementedException(); }
    public bool IsReadOnly { get { return true; } }
    public bool Remove(CustomItem item) { throw new NotImplementedException(); }

    public IEnumerator<CustomItem> GetEnumerator() { throw new NotImplementedException(); }
    System.Collections.IEnumerator System.Collections.IEnumerable.GetEnumerator()
    { throw new NotImplementedException(); }

当我在 C++ 中尝试相同的操作时,我得到了几个编译器错误:

ref class CustomItemValue { };

typedef CustomItemValue^ CustomItem;

ref class CustomList : public IList<CustomItem>
    property CustomItem default[int]
        virtual CustomItem get(int index) { return nullptr; }
        virtual void set(int index, CustomItem value) {}
    virtual void CopyTo(array<CustomItem>^ array, int arrayIndex)

    property int Count { virtual int get() { return 10; } }
    virtual int IndexOf(CustomItem item) { throw gcnew NotImplementedException(); }
    virtual void Insert(int index, CustomItem item) { throw gcnew NotImplementedException(); }
    virtual void RemoveAt(int index) { throw gcnew NotImplementedException(); }
    virtual void Add(CustomItem item) { throw gcnew NotImplementedException(); }
    virtual void Clear() { throw new NotImplementedException(); }
    virtual bool Contains(CustomItem item) { throw gcnew NotImplementedException(); }
    property bool IsReadOnly { virtual bool get() { return true; } }
    virtual bool Remove(CustomItem item) { throw gcnew NotImplementedException(); }

    virtual IEnumerator<CustomItem>^ GetEnumerator() { throw gcnew NotImplementedException(); }
    virtual System::Collections::IEnumerator^ GetEnumerator()
    { throw gcnew NotImplementedException(); }


.\mc.cpp(38) : error C2556: 'System::Collections::IEnumerator ^CustomList::GetEnumerator(void)' : overloaded function differs only by return type from 'System::Collections::Generic::IEnumerator ^CustomList::GetEnumerator(void)' with [ T=CustomItem ] .\mc.cpp(36) : see declaration of 'CustomList::GetEnumerator' .\mc.cpp(38) : error C2371: 'CustomList::GetEnumerator' : redefinition; different basic types .\mc.cpp(36) : see declaration of 'CustomList::GetEnumerator'



2 回答 2


您需要使用 Microsoft 特定的显式覆盖语法来覆盖两个 GetEnumerator() 方法:

virtual System::Collections::IEnumerator^ GetEnumerator2() = System::Collections::IEnumerable::GetEnumerator
{ throw gcnew NotImplementedException(); }

virtual IEnumerator<CustomItem>^ GetEnumerator()
{ throw gcnew NotImplementedException(); }

请注意,我将非泛型 GetEnumerator 方法重命名为 GetEnumerator2,然后指定它覆盖 System::Collections::IEnumerable::GetEnumerator。您可以在此处找到有关显式覆盖的更多信息

于 2009-05-04T08:07:58.573 回答

好吧,您在错误消息中有一个线索。您的 GetEnumerator 方法返回 System::Collections::IEnumerator^ 而该类还有另一个方法返回 System::Collections::Generic::IEnumerator^ ,此方法可能是从 IList 类继承的。

尝试用 System::Collections::Generic::IEnumerator^ 替换返回值。

于 2009-05-04T07:47:19.760 回答