I am trying to use the new PhoneGap Facebook Connect plugin, which is supposed to work with just a few lines of code. https://github.com/davejohnson/phonegap-plugin-facebook-connect

PhoneGap v1.2.0

In Eclipse, I have built the sample project included with the plugin and have added my app_id and app_secret and put all files where necessary. It seems like I have done everything right, but the buttons do the following:

  • Login: Alerts "not logged in" (even though I am logged in to Facebook both through the app and the browser)
  • Me: Alerts "An active access token mst be used to query information about the current user. Type: OAuthException
  • Get Session: Alerts "undefined"
  • Get Login: Loads a facebook page in the browser which says "an error occurred. Please try again later"
  • Logout: Alerts "auth.statusChange event"

What have I done wrong? I have a killer app waiting to be released which is dependent on this Facebook integration and I'm anxious to release it!


2 回答 2



官方的 Android Facebook 插件会打开一个用于 Facebook 身份验证的对话框。

这一切都发生在 phonegap 中。然而,他们使用普通线程而不是 AsyncTask 驱动的线程。

AsyncTask 概念允许在主 UI 线程中显示后台任务。

我为 phonegap 1.2 创建了一个名为 tmaus 的分支。

使用分叉的 phonegap,您将能够正确登录 facebook,但 session_data 的处理仍然被破坏。

于 2011-11-18T10:48:21.197 回答

看看 gitbub/callback-android 你会发现我的 fork (tmaus) 还没有被确认。

于 2011-12-16T08:57:06.573 回答