Is there a tool for Delphi 6 that can analyze the class hierarchy of your application and answer questions about particular methods? I could use a tool that could take a particular method name and it would show which classes in the call hierarchy implement that method, the method traits at each inheritance level (abstract, overridden, etc.) the body of the call at each level I could see where the method's implementation is merely a stub, and if each implementation calls the inherited method or not.
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自从我开始 OO 开发(1998 年)以来,我一直在寻找这样的工具。这对探索 VCL 或您(尚不)熟悉的任何其他库有很大帮助。重新熟悉大型代码库的某些部分也很棒。虽然还没有找到。
Gerrit Beuze的 Modelmaker 非常接近。它可以读取您的代码,然后您可以探索您的类层次结构。在标准设置中,您的类在左上角的树或列表中,当您选择正确的视图时,左下角所选类的方法声明和方法实现可以显示在窗口的右侧。
ModelMaker Code Explorer在 IDE 中做同样的事情(当然使用 IDE 的代码编辑器),但没有类层次结构。
I have not found a way yet, with ModelMaker or any other tool, to show this stuff in a "method centered" view. Something like the left side of ModelMaker, but with the right side showing the implementations at each level in the class hierarchy (including the virtual/override etc) modifiers that you normally do not see in the implementation section. Would be nice if it also were able to spot missing "inherited" calls.