我在通过我的 android 应用程序访问图形 API 时遇到问题,该应用程序将用户的朋友检索为 JSONObject,提取他们的姓名并将其显示在屏幕上。这应该是一项简单而直接的任务,但显然不是。当我在 Android Nexus I 上运行我的应用程序时,我登录到 Facebook,然后我被要求单击“允许”按钮授予权限,然后我被重定向到一个空白页面。我希望看到我朋友的名字,但它没有发生。有人可以帮助我。

public class Login extends Activity 
    Facebook mFacebook = new Facebook("201509899926116");
    AsyncFacebookRunner mAsyncRunner = new AsyncFacebookRunner(mFacebook);
    String FILENAME = "AndroidSSO_data";
    private SharedPreferences mPrefs;
    View linearLayout;

    public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) 
        linearLayout = findViewById(R.id.main_layout);

         /* Get existing access_token if any */
        mPrefs = getPreferences(MODE_PRIVATE);
        String access_token = mPrefs.getString("access_token", null);
        long expires = mPrefs.getLong("access_expires", 0);

        if(access_token != null)
        if(expires != 0)

        /* Only call authorize if the access_token has expired. */
            mFacebook.authorize(this, new String[] {"user_birthday","email",
                  "user_likes","user_interests", "user_activities"},
                  new DialogListener() 

                public void onComplete(Bundle values)
                    SharedPreferences.Editor editor = mPrefs.edit();
                    editor.putString("access_token", mFacebook.getAccessToken());
                    editor.putLong("access_expires", mFacebook.getAccessExpires());

                    /* access the graph API */
                    Log.d("Facebook-Example-Friends Request", "Started API request");
                    mAsyncRunner.request("me/friends", new FriendsRequestListener());
                    Log.d("Facebook-Example-Friends Request", "Finished API request");

                public void onFacebookError(FacebookError error) {}

                public void onError(DialogError e) {}

                public void onCancel() {}

    public void onActivityResult(int requestCode, int resultCode, Intent data) 
        super.onActivityResult(requestCode, resultCode, data);
        mFacebook.authorizeCallback(requestCode, resultCode, data);

    public class FriendsRequestListener implements com.facebook.android.AsyncFacebookRunner.RequestListener 
         * Called when the request to get friends has been completed.
         * Retrieve and parse and display the JSON stream.
        public void onComplete(final String response)
                // process the response here: executed in background thread
                Log.d("Facebook-Example-Friends Request", "response.length(): " + response.length());
                Log.d("Facebook-Example-Friends Request", "Response: " + response);

                final JSONObject json = new JSONObject(response);
                JSONArray d = json.getJSONArray("data");
                int l = (d != null ? d.length() : 0);
                Log.d("Facebook-Example-Friends Request", "d.length(): " + l);

                for (int i=0; i<l; i++) 
                    JSONObject o = d.getJSONObject(i);
                    String n = o.getString("name");
                    String id = o.getString("id");

                    TextView tv = new TextView(Login.this);
                    ((LinearLayout) linearLayout).addView(tv);
            catch (JSONException e)
                Log.w("Facebook-Example", "JSON Error in response");

1 回答 1


我想我可能已经找到了问题.. 根据 onComplet 上的文档;

     * Called when a request completes with the given response.
     * Executed by a background thread: do not update the UI in this method.

你正在尝试更新你的 UI,所以 addViews 实际上并没有反映在 UI 线程上。你应该在你的活动中创建一个方法,你可以使用 runOnUIThread 从 onComplete 调用它。像这样的东西;

runOnUiThread(new Runnable() {
            public void run() {


于 2011-11-21T15:05:00.797 回答