I have a program that renames files or folders to lower case names. I have written this code:
private void Replace(string FolderLocation, string lastText, string NewText)
if (lastText == "")
lastText = " ";
if (NewText == "")
NewText = " ";
DirectoryInfo i = new DirectoryInfo(FolderLocation);
string NewName = "";
if (checkBox2.Checked)
if (i.Parent.FullName[i.Parent.FullName.Length - 1].ToString() != "\\") //For parents like E:/
NewName = i.Parent.FullName + "\\" + i.Name.Replace(lastText, NewText);
NewName = i.Parent.FullName + i.Name.Replace(lastText, NewText);
NewName = NewName.ToLower();
if (NewName != i.FullName)
foreach (DirectoryInfo sd in i.GetDirectories())
Replace(sd.FullName, lastText, NewText);
if (checkBox1.Checked)
foreach (FileInfo fi in i.GetFiles())
NewName = fi.Directory + "\\" + fi.Name.Replace(lastText, NewText);
NewName = NewName.ToLower();
if (NewName != fi.FullName)
But I get the following exception:
"Source and destination path must be different."
How can I solve this issue?