我们在 ASP.NET 应用程序中使用 ERPConnect,但有时当用户尝试通过我们的应用程序连接到 SAP 时,我们会收到一些错误消息。
CPIC-CALL:'CMRCV:rc=19 LOCATION SAP-Gateway on host SERVERNAME / sapgw10 错误对话 53230591 未找到时间 2011 年 11 月 16 日星期三 13:49:58 发布 701 组件 SAP-Gateway 版本 2 RC 728 模块 gwxxrd.c 行 6278柜台 1277701
通过 ERPConnect 打开与 SAP 的连接时,总是会发生这种情况。
R3Connection connection = Connection;
connection.Open(); // the error occurs here
这是相当随机的。有些日子我们没有收到任何错误消息,有些日子我们每天收到 20 条消息。ERPConnect 使用在 System32 文件夹中定义的 librfc32.dll,版本为 7200.1.39.6461(最新版本)。
这个问题在我的本地开发机器(Windows 7 x86)上没有发生。它总是发生在我们的生产服务器(Windows Server 2008 R2)上。
* * LOCATION SAP-Gateway on host HERCULES / sapgw10 * ERROR partner 'hercules:sapgw01' not reached * * TIME Thu Nov 24 09:10:20 2011 * RELEASE 701 * COMPONENT NI (network interface) * VERSION 38 * RC -10 * MODULE nixxi.cpp * LINE 2835 * DETAIL NiPConnect2 * SYSTEM CALL connect * ERRNO 10061 * ERRNO TEXT WSAECONNREFUSED: Connection refused * COUNTER 1385122 * *****************************************************************************
HANDLE = 137
TIME = Thu Nov 24 09:10:19 2011
SOCKET = 2108
OUT = 0 messages 0 bytes
IN = 0 messages 0 bytes
ni hdl = 137
type = CLIENT
hostaddr =
accept_hostaddr =
conn opcode = REMOTE_GATEWAY
conn vers = 2
index = 10
data = 0000000000000000
ext_info = 000000000EF1D870
offset = 0
rest_len = 0
snc_forced = 0
remote gateway infos:
hostname =
hostaddr =
service = sapgw01
tpname = sapdp01
GwSelClear: clear RWC for hdl 137
NiICloseHandle: called for hdl 137 while waiting for connection
NiICloseHandle: shutdown and close hdl 137 / sock 2108
GwFreeHdlInfoMemory: free 000000000EF1D870 (ext info)
GwIFreeMemForLU_TP: freed memory for sys 10
GwListRemove: remove elem 10 from sys_r3_list
GwListRemove: 2 elems in sys_r3_list
GwListRemove: elem 10 not in sys_reg_list
GwListRemove: remove elem 10 from sys_inuse_list
GwListRemove: 104 elems in sys_inuse_list
GwUpdateClient: act_sys: 104
GwIDelR3Conn: send error message to client
GwSendRc3: send (appc_rc=CM_PRODUCT_SPECIFIC_ERROR / sap_rc=GW_CONNECT_FAILED) to client HERCULES / sapgw10 (0)
GwRqDpSendTo: (HERCULES / sapgw10, gw_id=0, appc_ca_blk=-1, len=335, comm_index=-1)
LOCK APPC ca_blk 3
DpGetCpicCommIdx: found index 3 via appc_hdr
found comm entry 3 (tid/uid/mode/conv_id/a_r: 158/13268/0/ /0)
GwIsAWaitingSWP: wp 1 waiting
GwSapWpWakeUp: send answer to sap wp 1
GwSapWpWakeUp: make wp 1 owner of appc_ca_blk 3
-OUT- tid -1 uid -1 mode 255
-OUT- appc_ca_blk 3 len 335 rq_id 43133
-OUT- wait_f_answ 0 cmd 0
NiIWrite: hdl 109 sent data (wrt=28,pac=1,MESG_IO)
GwIDelR3Conn: decrement conv_no of client 0: 5
GwFreeMemory: free 000000000EEF3480 (len=3700)
GwFreeMemory: act_overflow_size = 20352 (- 3700)
GwIDelR3Conn: idx/conv = ((-1/0) | (10/0)), delete conv 48 from conv-table
GwClearConn: conv_no/tcp_conv_no/sna_conv_no: 6/6/0
GwClearConn: free r3 conv info
GwClearConn: free buffer info
GwFiSearchConvId: deleted 27077110 local, conn=48
GwListInsert: insert elem 48 into conn_free_list (at begin)
GwListInsert: 494 elems in conn_free_list
GwListRemove: remove elem 48 from conn_search_list
GwListRemove: 0 elems in conn_search_list
GwListRemove: elem 48 not in conn_write_list
GwListRemove: remove elem 48 from conn_inuse_list
GwListRemove: 6 elems in conn_inuse_list
GwReadReqIndex: (process_id: -1)
GwReadReqIndex: no filled request-index-block
GwCheckClient: check clients
LOCK APPC ca_blk 4
GwCheckClient: raise timeout for conv 27059938 (intr/uid/mode/comm_idx=9/13261/0/90)
GwSendRcToDp: send appc_rc/sap_rc 10001/221 to dp
make DISP owner of appc_ca_blk 4
DpSemRq: key: 3, units: 1, timeout: -1
DpSemRel: key: 3, units: 1
DpRqPutIntoQueue: put request into queue (reqtype 0, prio LOW, rq_id 43134)
GwDispWakeUp: send wakeup with ni handle 2
NiIWrite: hdl 2 sent data (wrt=1,pac=1,MESG_IO)
-OUT- sender_id APPC_SERVER tid 165 wp_ca_blk -1 wp_id -1
-OUT- action SEND_TO_WP uid 13261 appc_ca_blk 4 type NOWP
-OUT- new_stat NO_CHANGE mode 0 len 80 rq_id 43134
GwListRemove: remove elem 90 from comm_wait_list
GwListRemove: 0 elems in comm_wait_list
GwListRemove: remove elem 90 from comm_wait_list
GwListRemove: 0 elems in comm_wait_list
编辑 2:添加代码示例
protected void SAP( object sender, EventArgs e ) {
ThreadStart threadStart1 = new ThreadStart( CreateSAP );
Thread thread = new Thread( threadStart1 );
Thread thread2 = new Thread( threadStart1 );
Thread.Sleep( 2000 );
while ( thread2.IsAlive ) {
Response.Write( "done" );
private void CreateSAP() {
R3Connection conn = ERPConnection.Connection;
conn.MultithreadingEnvironment = true;
for ( int i = 0; i < 12; i++ ) {
try {
Thread.Sleep( 1000 );
} finally {