Say I plan to use OpenCV for 3D reconstruction using a stereo approach...and I do not have any special stereo camera but only webcams.

1.)How do I build a cheap stereo setup using a set of web cams? 2.)Is it possible to snap two images using web cams and convert them to stereo using openCV API?

I will use the stereo algorithm from the link below Stereo vision with OpenCV

Using this approach I want to create a detailed mapping of an indoor environment. (I would not like to use any projects like Insight3D which cannot be used for commercial purposes without distributing the source code)


2 回答 2


You can find here a lot of resources including tutorials and stereo vision cameras

于 2013-08-29T09:03:49.800 回答


1) 将相机对准具有不同基线距离的规范配置。然后使用 opencv 的 stereo_calib.cpp 程序校准它们。通常,距离为 20-60 厘米。对于某些网络摄像头,即使 10 厘米也会给您带来更好的效果。如果 rms 误差和重投影误差小于 0.5,那么您可以认为立体声设置已准备就绪。

2) 是的,可以从我刚才提到的设置中捕获立体图像。查看此链接以从相机捕获图像。

OpenCV 提供了更好的算法,人们可以利用这些算法创造 3D 视觉的奇迹。


于 2014-04-29T19:58:57.277 回答