c comments
program cylinder
real diam(10),height(10),volume(10)
external circ,surface,vol
integer count,i,j
parameter (pi = 3.14159)
j = 0
count = 1
do i=1,10
diam(i) = 0
end do
10 j = j+1
write(*,*) 'Please enter the diameter and height of
A a cylinder'
read*, diam(j),height(j)
if (diam(j) .NE. 0 .AND. j .LE. 10) goto 10
20 write(*,*) 'Cylinder', count, 'Circumfrence =', circ(diam)
write(*,*) 'Total Surface Area=',
B surface(diam,height)
Call vol(diam,height,volume)
write(*,*) 'Volume=', volume(count)
count = count+1
if (diam(count) .NE. 0 .AND. count .LE. 10) goto 20
function circ(d) = d*pi
function surface(d,h)
real d,h
surface = 2*pi*(d/2.)**2 + d*pi*h
subroutine vol(d,h,volume)
real d,h,volume(count)
volume(count) = h*pi*(d/2.)**2