我在 Chrome 中有一个 iframe ( id: 'chat'
) 。designMode='on'
在 Enter keypress 事件中,我调用该函数send()
,该函数获取 iframe 内容并将其写入套接字。我的问题是在清除 iframe 时,我失去了焦点。
如何设置焦点以便我可以继续在 iframe 中键入文本?
function send(){
var $iframe = $('#chat');
var text = $iframe.contents().text() + "\n";
// When this is done, the focus is lost
// If commented, the focus will not be lost
// My different failed attempts to regain the focus
// I've also tried all the above with timers
//setTimeout( function(){ $('#chat').contents().focus(); }, 100);