我尝试在 C# 中使用 waveout 来同时播放更多的 wav 文件(至少是不同的文件)。(SoundPlayer 对象一次只播放一个,我不想为这个简单的目标使用 DirectSound 和 MediaPlayer 对象或任何其他高级技术。)
我将一个工作的 C++ 代码移植到 C# 并且它可以工作(在研究了如何编组和如何调用本机 win32 dll-s 以及如何分配和锁定非托管内存之后)但它以某种方式使 vhost.exe 崩溃,我不知道为什么这样做。(它不会抛出任何异常,只会出现标准的 windows 错误对话框并且程序崩溃并退出。)
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.IO;
using XiVo.PlayThrough;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Timers;
namespace RTS
class WaveObject
protected IntPtr wo;
protected byte[] Adat=null;
protected WaveNative.WaveHdr woh;
protected int pgc;
public class NotAWaveformFileException : Exception
public NotAWaveformFileException(string str) : base(str) { }
public NotAWaveformFileException() { }
public class WaveFileIsCorruptedException : Exception
public WaveFileIsCorruptedException(string str) : base(str) { }
public WaveFileIsCorruptedException() { }
public class WaveMapperCouldNotBeOpenedException : Exception
public WaveMapperCouldNotBeOpenedException(string str) : base(str) { }
public WaveMapperCouldNotBeOpenedException() { }
public WaveObject() {}
public WaveObject(string Fn) : this() { Load(Fn); }
public void Load(string Fn)
IntPtr mmio;
NativeMMIO.mmckInfo Main, Sub;
WaveFormat wfx;
StringBuilder str=new StringBuilder(Fn);
int r;
mmio = NativeMMIO.mmioOpen(str,IntPtr.Zero,NativeMMIO.MMIO_READ);
if (mmio == IntPtr.Zero)
throw new FileNotFoundException(Fn + "not found!");
Main.fccType = NativeMMIO.mmioFOURCC('W', 'A', 'V', 'E');
if (NativeMMIO.mmioDescend(mmio, out Main, IntPtr.Zero, NativeMMIO.MMIO_FINDRIFF) != 0)
throw new NotAWaveformFileException();
Sub.ckid = NativeMMIO.mmioFOURCC('f', 'm', 't', ' ');
if (NativeMMIO.mmioDescend(mmio, out Sub, out Main, NativeMMIO.MMIO_FINDCHUNK) != 0)
throw new WaveFileIsCorruptedException("fmt chunk is not found!");
byte[] raw = new byte[Sub.cksize+2];
NativeMMIO.mmioRead(mmio, raw, (int)Sub.cksize);
GCHandle conv = GCHandle.Alloc(raw, GCHandleType.Pinned); // mapping a WaveFormat structure from the byte array
wfx = (WaveFormat)Marshal.PtrToStructure(conv.AddrOfPinnedObject(), typeof(WaveFormat));
Sub.ckid = NativeMMIO.mmioFOURCC('d', 'a', 't', 'a');
if (NativeMMIO.mmioDescend(mmio, out Sub, out Main, NativeMMIO.MMIO_FINDCHUNK) != 0)
throw new WaveFileIsCorruptedException("data chunk is not found!");
Adat = new byte[Sub.cksize+2];
NativeMMIO.mmioRead(mmio, Adat, (int)Sub.cksize);
NativeMMIO.mmioClose(mmio, 0);
wfx.cbSize = (short)Marshal.SizeOf(wfx);
unchecked // WAVE_MAPPER is 0xFFFFFFFF and it does not let it convert to int otherwise
int res = WaveNative.waveOutOpen(out wo, (int)WaveNative.WAVE_MAPPER, wfx, null, 0, (int)WaveNative.CALLBACK_NULL);
if (res != WaveNative.MMSYSERR_NOERROR)
throw new WaveMapperCouldNotBeOpenedException();
woh.lpData = Marshal.AllocHGlobal((int)Sub.cksize); // alloc memory for the buffer
Marshal.Copy(Adat, 0, woh.lpData, (int)Sub.cksize);
woh.dwBufferLength = (int)Sub.cksize;
woh.dwBytesRecorded = 0;
woh.dwUser = IntPtr.Zero;
woh.dwFlags = 0;
woh.dwLoops = 1000000;
woh.reserved = 0;
woh.lpNext = IntPtr.Zero;
r = WaveNative.waveOutPrepareHeader(wo, ref woh, Marshal.SizeOf(woh));
pgc = System.Environment.TickCount;
public void Play()
if (System.Environment.TickCount - pgc > 50)
if (wo == null) throw new Exception("wo somehow became null.");
int res = WaveNative.waveOutReset(wo);
if (res != WaveNative.MMSYSERR_NOERROR) throw new Exception(string.Format("waveOutReset {0}",res));
res=WaveNative.waveOutWrite(wo, ref woh, Marshal.SizeOf(woh));
if ((res != WaveNative.MMSYSERR_NOERROR) && (res!=33)) throw new Exception(string.Format("waveOutWrite {0}",res));
Marshal.FreeHGlobal(woh.lpData); // release memory