我一直在尝试在 javascript 中实现递归回溯迷宫生成算法。这些是在阅读了关于此处主题的一系列精彩文章后完成的




  • 创建一个堆栈来保存单元状态的表示。

  • 每个表示都包含该特定单元格的坐标,以及访问相邻单元格的方向列表。

  • 虽然堆栈不是空的,但迭代堆栈顶部的方向,测试相邻的单元格。

  • 如果找到有效单元格,则将其放在堆栈顶部并继续该单元格。

这是我的递归实现(注意:keydown 向前一步):http: //jsbin.com/urilan/14

这是我的迭代实现(再一次,keydown 向前一步):http: //jsbin.com/eyosij/2




var dirs = [ 'N', 'W', 'E', 'S' ];
var XD = { 'N': 0, 'S':0, 'E':1, 'W':-1 };
var YD = { 'N':-1, 'S':1, 'E':0, 'W': 0 };

function genMaze(){

var dirtemp = dirs.slice().slice();    //copies 'dirs' so its not overwritten or altered
var path = [];                         // stores path traveled.

var stack = [[0,0, shuffle(dirtemp)]]; //Stack of instances. Each subarray in 'stacks' represents a cell
                                       //and its current state. That is, its coordinates, and which adjacent cells have been
                                       //checked. Each time it checks an adjacent cell a direction value is popped from 
                                       //from the list

while ( stack.length > 0 ) {

  var current = stack[stack.length-1]; // With each iteration focus is to be placed on the newest cell.

  var x = current[0], y = current[1], d = current[2];
  var sLen = stack.length;             // For testing whether there is a newer cell in the stack than the current.
  path.push([x,y]);                    // Store current coordinates in the path

  while ( d.length > 0 ) {
    if( stack.length != sLen ){ break;}// If there is a newer cell in stack, break and then continue with that cell

    else {
      var cd = d.pop();
      var nx = x + XD[ cd ];
      var ny = y + YD[ cd ];

      if ( nx >= 0 && ny >= 0  && nx < w && ny < h && !cells[nx][ny] ){

        dtemp = dirs.slice().slice();
        cells[nx][ny] = 1;
        stack.push( [ nx, ny, shuffle(dtemp) ] ); //add new cell to the stack with new list of directions.
                                                  // from here the code should break from the loop and start again with this latest addition being considered.



  if (current[2].length === 0){stack.pop(); } //if all available directions have been tested, remove from stack

return path;




2 回答 2


我在 javascript 方面不是很好,但我尝试将您的递归代码实现为迭代。您还需要For在堆栈上存储索引。所以代码看起来像:

function genMaze(cx,cy) {

    var dirtemp = dirs;    //copies 'dirs' so its not overwritten
    var path = [];                         // stores path traveled.    
    var stack = [[cx, cy, shuffle(dirtemp), 0]];  // we also need to store `for` indexer

    while (stack.length > 0) {

        var current = stack[stack.length - 1]; // With each iteration focus is to be placed on the newest cell.

        var x = current[0], y = current[1], d = current[2], i = current[3];
        if (i > d.length) {
        stack[stack.length - 1][3] = i + 1; // for next iteration

        path.push([x, y]);    // Store current coordinates in the path
        cells[x][y] = 1;

        var cd = d[i];
        var nx = x + XD[cd];
        var ny = y + YD[cd];

        if (nx >= 0 && ny >= 0 && nx < w && ny < h && !cells[nx][ny]) {

            dtemp = dirs;
            stack.push([nx, ny, shuffle(dtemp), 0]);
    return path;
于 2011-11-11T07:14:25.500 回答


var sum = tco(function(x, y) {
  return y > 0 ? sum(x + 1, y - 1) :
         y < 0 ? sum(x - 1, y + 1) :
sum(20, 100000) // => 100020

function tco(f) {
  var value, active = false, accumulated = []
  return function accumulator() {
    if (!active) {
      active = true
      while (accumulated.length) value = f.apply(this, accumulated.shift())
      active = false
      return value

学分、解释和更多信息在 github https://gist.github.com/1697037

Is 的好处是不修改您的代码,因此它也可以应用于其他情况。希望有帮助:)

于 2012-03-04T13:14:00.140 回答