my method that's creating the alert returns immediately
I believe that's because, as @Josh says, the sheet is running modal only relative to the window to which it is attached; it is not freezing the entire app. Therefore, as soon as beginSheetModal...
executes, the rest of your method continues to run, concluding with return returnCode
(here returning -1), without waiting for the user to respond to the alert.
The return code is a stand-in for which button on the alert panel the user ends up pushing (NSAlertFirstButtonReturn, NSAlertSecondButtonReturn, etc. -- they're listed at the end of the NSAlert class ref). You use it in your alertDidEnd
method to act upon whichever button the user pushed to dismiss the alert. That's why the alertDidEnd
selector includes the returnCode.
On the other hand, when you use the runModal
method in your else
block, you need to explicitly call alertDidEnd
and feed it the number returned when the runModal
method ends -- which is when the user dismisses the alert.
Here's a revised version of your code:
int returnCode = -1;
if (displayAsSheet) {
[alert beginSheetModalForWindow:nativeWindow modalDelegate:delegate didEndSelector:@selector(alertDidEnd:returnCode:contextInfo:) contextInfo:nil];
// The selector alertDidEnd has the returnCode int. The alert will then set that code to whatever the user chooses, and will send the altered int on to alertDidEnd.
else {
// Here, everything stops once runModal is called, until the user dismisses the alert, at which time the runModal method returns the int representing the button the user pushed, and you assign the return to your variable "returnCode."
returnCode = [alert runModal];
[self alertDidEnd:alert returnCode:returnCode contextInfo:nil];
// Omit the line returning the returnCode.
Then the alertDidEnd
method does something like this:
- (void)alertDidEnd:(NSAlert *)alert returnCode:(NSInteger)returnCode contextInfo:(void *)contextInfo {
switch (returnCode) {
case NSAlertFirstButtonReturn:
// Do whatever should happen when first button is pushed.
case NSAlertSecondButtonReturn:
// Do whatever should happen when second button is pushed.
// Unfreeze things.
[[NSApplication sharedApplication] stopModal];
By the way, there is a way of running a sheet and freezing the entire app, not just the window to which the sheet is attached, if that's what you want: modal tips