I am trying to crawl website, which is sophisticated enough to stop bots, I mean it is permitting only a few requests, after that Scrapy hangs.

Question 1: is there a way, if Scrapy hangs I can restart my crawling process from the same point. To get rid of this problem, I wrote my settings file like this


SPIDER_MODULES = ['yp.spiders']
NEWSPIDER_MODULE = 'yp.spiders'
DEFAULT_ITEM_CLASS = 'yp.items.YpItem'


This is my program:

class ypSpider(CrawlSpider):

   name = "yp"

   start_urls = [
       SOME URL

      #These are some rules
   def parse_item(self, response):
   #cleaning the html page by removing scripts html tags    

The question is where I could write the http proxies and shall i have to import any tor related classes, I am new to Scrapy because of this group I learned so much, Now I am trying to learn "how to use ip rotation or tor'

As one of our member suggested, I started tor and I set HTTP_PROXY to

set http_proxy=http://localhost:8118

but it is throwing some errors,

failure with no frames>: class 'twisted.internet.error.ConnectionRefusedError'   Connection was refused by other side 10061: No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it.

So i changed http_proxy to

set http_proxy=http://localhost:9051

Now the error is

failure with no frames>: class 'twisted.internet.error.ConnectionDone' connection was closed cleanly.

I checked firefox network settings, there I couldn't see any http proxies but instead of that Its using SOCKSV5, there it is showing (before TOR it works with no proxies)Please help me I am still not understanding how to use TOR through Scrapy. Which bundle of TOR I am supposed to use and how? I hope that both of my questions will be resolved

  1. If a scrapy crawler hangs for some reason (Connection failure), I would like to resume the service from there itself
  2. How to use rotating IPs in Scrapy

1 回答 1


TOR 本身不是 http 代理,端口 8118 和连接被拒绝错误表明您没有 privoxy[1] 正常运行。尝试正确设置 privoxy,然后使用环境变量重试http_proxy=http://localhost:8118

我已经成功地使用 privoxy 和 scrapy 完成了 TOR 的爬行。

[1] http://www.privoxy.org/

于 2011-11-11T05:23:03.723 回答