Ultimately, the program will print out a list of names in alphabetical order, along with additional attributes associated with that name. In other words, the output screen will read as follows:
Ares: Greek, fire, sword.
Freia: Norse, water, bow and arrow.
Poseidon: Greek, horses, ocean.
Thor: Norse, chariot, hammer.
Zeus: Greek, cloud, lightning.
Again, the first names are alphabetized in this list, but attributes are printed alongside them. With regards to my int main( ), I'm not sure how I should begin sorting these names and putting them in order. I have an unsorted list that must be sorted (using functions that add/insert these names into the correct order).
// This is a standard library support code to the chapters of the book
// "Programming -- Principles and Practice Using C++" by Bjarne Stroustrup
#include <cmath>
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <stdexcept>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
// Helper function to show an error message
inline void error(const string& errormessage)
throw runtime_error(errormessage);
struct Link {
string name;
string mythology;
string vehicle;
string weapon;
Link* prev;
Link* succ;
Link(const string& n, const string& a, const string& b, const string&c,Link* p = 0,
Link* s = 0)
: name(n), mythology(a), vehicle(b), weapon(c), prev(p), succ(s) { }
Link* insert(Link* p, Link* n) // insert n before p; return n
if (n==0) return p;
if (p==0) return n;
n->succ = p; // p comes after n
if (p->prev) p->prev->succ = n;
n->prev = p->prev; // p's predecessor becomes n's predecessor
p->prev = n; // n becomes p's predecessor
return n;
void print_all(Link *p)
Link *current;
current = p;
cout<<"For this link we have: \n";
cout<<"Name: "<<current->name<<".\n";
cout<<"Info1: "<<current->mythology<<".\n";
cout<<"Info2: "<<current->vehicle<<".\n";
cout<<"Info3: "<<current->weapon<<".\n";
current = current->succ;
Link * add_after_find(Link *p, Link *n,const string& s )
{ Link *current = 0;
current = p;
/* empty list */
if(p == 0)
{ cout<<"List is empty so string not found so not added after it. \n";
return 0;
else if(p->succ == 0) /* one link only */
if(p->name == s)
/* add after link with s */
/* p in front */
p->succ = n;
n->prev = p;
p->prev = 0;
n->succ = 0;
return p;
} /* end of if names = */
else {
cout<<"String not found in link listed so not added. \n";
return p;
} /* end of one link */
else /* two or more links */
current = p;
if (s == current->name)
/* then n goes AFTER this link */
n->prev = current;
n->succ = current->succ;
current->succ = n;
return p;
} /* end of name matches */
current = current->succ;
}// end of while
/* if outside of while then we are at last link with a current -> name
so s not found */
cout<<"String is not found so not add after it. \n";
return p;
} // end of else 2 or more
} // end of function
int main()
Link*newlist = new Link("Thor","Norse","chariot","hammer");
newlist = add_after_find(newlist,new Link("Hera","Greek", "horse", "arrow"),"Thor");
newlist = add_after_find(newlist,new Link("Poseidon","Greek", "ocean", "trident"),"Freia");
newlist = add_after_find(newlist,new Link("Ares","Greek", "fire", "sword"),"Poseidon");
newlist = add_after_find(newlist,new Link("Zeus","Greek", "cloud", "lightning"),"Ares");
cout<<"Now let's alphabetize these five gods.\n";
return 0;