如果文本不存在,如何跳过 rss 提要中的项目?
if($x -> item($i) -> getElementsByTagName('description')) { then proceed }
当我 rss 提要中的项目看起来像这样时,
<title>Berlusconi on the brink</title>
<guid isPermaLink="false"> </guid>
<pubDate>Tue, 08 Nov 2011 16:42:03 +0000</pubDate>
未提供 not 。
function feed_reader($url,$limit = 1,$title = null)
$xml = ($url); //
$xmlDoc = new DOMDocument();
$xmlDoc -> load($xml);
# Get and output "<item>" elements.
$x = $xmlDoc -> getElementsByTagName('item');
# Count the total feed with xpath.
$xpath = new DOMXPath($xmlDoc);
$total_feed = $xpath->evaluate('count(//item)');
# Set feed limit.
$limit_feed = $limit;
# Check if the total feed is less than the limit then use the total feed as the limit.
if($limit_feed >= $total_feed) $limit_feed = $total_feed;
# Set the variable.
$output = null;
for ($i=0; $i<$limit_feed; $i++)
# Make sure that the description node exist then process.
if($x -> item($i) -> getElementsByTagName('description'))
$item_title = $x -> item($i) -> getElementsByTagName('title') -> item(0) -> childNodes -> item(0) -> nodeValue;
$item_link = $x -> item($i) -> getElementsByTagName('link') -> item(0) -> childNodes -> item(0) -> nodeValue;
$item_date = $x -> item($i) -> getElementsByTagName('pubDate') -> item(0) -> childNodes -> item(0) -> nodeValue;
$item_description = $x -> item($i) -> getElementsByTagName('description') -> item(0) -> childNodes -> item(0) -> nodeValue;
# NOTE: use this code for the server runs PHP5.3
# DateTime::add — Adds an amount of days, months, years, hours, minutes and seconds to a DateTime object
$date = new DateTime($item_date);
# change the date format into Y-m-d H:i:s
$item_date = $date -> format('j F Y');
# count time ago from the published date
$time_ago = time_ago($date -> format('Y-m-d H:i:s'),'d M Y \a\t H:i');
if($title) $output .= '<li><p>'.preg_replace('/^('.$title.':)/', ' ',limit_length(strip_tags($item_description), 200)).'<br/>'.$time_ago.'</p></li>';
else $output .= '<li><p>'.limit_length(strip_tags($item_description), 200).'<br/>'.$time_ago.'</p></li>';
return $output;