我正在尝试将 CGPixelBufferRefs 附加到 AVAssetWriterInput 以创建 QuickTime 电影。


BOOL __block shouldContinue = YES;

[self.assetWriterInput requestMediaDataWhenReadyOnQueue:dispatch_get_global_queue(DISPATCH_QUEUE_PRIORITY_DEFAULT, 0)
BXLog(@"processing Block");

while ([self.assetWriterInput isReadyForMoreMediaData] && shouldContinue)
    BXLog(@"assetWriter isReadyForMoreMediaData, shouldContinue %i", shouldContinue);

    NSError *error = nil;
    CGImageRef image = [inClip copyImageAtIndex:frameCounter withSize:CGSizeZero error:&error];
    CGFloat progress = (CGFloat)frameCounter / (CGFloat)inRange.length;

    if (image != NULL)
        size_t width = CGImageGetWidth(image);
        size_t height = CGImageGetHeight(image);
        CVPixelBufferRef pixelBuffer = [self pixelBufferFromCGImage:image andSize:CGSizeMake(width, height)];

        if (! [self.assetWriterInputPixelBufferAdaptor appendPixelBuffer:pixelBuffer 
          withPresentationTime:CMTimeMake(frameCounter * inClip.lengthOfOneFrame.value,       inClip.lengthOfOneFrame.timescale)])
            [self.assetWriter finishWriting];

             BXLogInDomain(kLogDomainSharing, kLogLevelError, @"Error while appending pixel butter: %@", self.assetWriter.error);
             error = [NSError errorWithDomain:kErrorDomainExport

        [self.assetWriter finishWriting];

        BXLogInDomain(kLogDomainSharing, kLogLevelError, @"Error while coping image from clip %@", self.assetWriter.error);
        // create a Framedrop Error - we couldn't find a frame
        error = [NSError errorWithDomain:kErrorDomainExport 

     [[NSOperationQueue mainQueue] addOperationWithBlock:^(void)
           self.currentProgress = flag ? progress * 0.5 : progress;

          shouldContinue = inProgressHandler(progress, image);
      BXLog(@"should continue %i", shouldContinue);


      // Movie is finished
      if (frameCounter >= inRange.location + inRange.length)
          [self.assetWriterInput markAsFinished];
          [self.assetWriter finishWriting];
          [[NSOperationQueue mainQueue] addOperationWithBlock:^(void)
               self.currentProgress = 1.0;
          dispatch_async(handlerQueue, ^(void)
               inCompletionHandler(self.filePath, error);
          shouldContinue = NO;
      else if (shouldContinue == NO)
         [self.assetWriterInput markAsFinished];
         [self.assetWriter finishWriting];

         // call the completion handler
         if (frameCounter < inRange.location + inRange.length)
             dispatch_async(handlerQueue, ^(void)
                  // cancel error
                  inCompletionHandler(NULL, [NSError errorWithDomain:kErrorDomainEport

          // do not export any longer
          // simply calling the completion handler is not enough

      BXLog(@"End of while – should continue %i - asset writer is ready for more media %i", shouldContinue, [self.assetWriterInput isReadyForMoreMediaData]);

    BXLog(@"out of while");




  1. 对于大多数导出,只创建一个块,while 循环逐帧处理,最后块退出。
  2. 有一个出口,其中使用了多个块。创建一个块,处理 4 或 5 张图像,然后使用 [self.assetWriterInput isReadyForMoreMediaData == NO 离开 while 循环。创建一个新块,处理更多帧,然后离开 while 循环。
  3. 碰巧的是,有时不会创建一个块,而是创建两个块,并且两者都在并行工作。


2011-11-08 12:42:41.161 iStopMotion[22804:1c003] processing Block
2011-11-08 12:42:41.168 iStopMotion[22804:1c003] assetWriter isReadyForMoreMediaData, shouldContinue 1
2011-11-08 12:42:41.278 iStopMotion[22804:1c003] should continue 1
2011-11-08 12:42:41.279 iStopMotion[22804:1c003] End of while - should continue 1 - asset writer is ready for more media 1
2011-11-08 12:42:41.285 iStopMotion[22804:1c003] assetWriter isReadyForMoreMediaData, shouldContinue 1
2011-11-08 12:42:41.370 iStopMotion[22804:1c003] should continue 1
2011-11-08 12:42:41.391 iStopMotion[22804:1c003] End of while - should continue 1 - asset writer is ready for more media 1
2011-11-08 12:42:41.399 iStopMotion[22804:1c003] assetWriter isReadyForMoreMediaData, shouldContinue 1
2011-11-08 12:42:41.420 iStopMotion[22804:1c003] should continue 1
2011-11-08 12:42:41.422 iStopMotion[22804:1c003] End of while - should continue 1 - asset writer is ready for more media 0
2011-11-08 12:42:41.423 iStopMotion[22804:1c003] out of while
2011-11-08 12:42:41.442 iStopMotion[22804:1e507] processing Block
2011-11-08 12:42:41.457 iStopMotion[22804:1e507] assetWriter isReadyForMoreMediaData, shouldContinue 1
2011-11-08 12:42:41.476 iStopMotion[22804:1e507] should continue 1
2011-11-08 12:42:41.476 iStopMotion[22804:1e507] End of while - should continue 1 - asset writer is ready for more media 0
2011-11-08 12:42:41.477 iStopMotion[22804:1e507] out of while
2011-11-08 12:42:41.498 iStopMotion[22804:1e507] processing Block
2011-11-08 12:42:41.515 iStopMotion[22804:1e507] assetWriter isReadyForMoreMediaData, shouldContinue 1
2011-11-08 12:42:41.541 iStopMotion[22804:1e507] should continue 1
2011-11-08 12:42:41.553 iStopMotion[22804:1e507] End of while - should continue 1 - asset writer is ready for more media 0
2011-11-08 12:42:41.583 iStopMotion[22804:1e507] out of while
2011-11-08 12:42:41.614 iStopMotion[22804:1e507] processing Block
2011-11-08 12:42:41.628 iStopMotion[22804:1e507] assetWriter isReadyForMoreMediaData, shouldContinue 1
2011-11-08 12:42:41.689 iStopMotion[22804:1f107] processing Block
2011-11-08 12:42:41.710 iStopMotion[22804:1f107] assetWriter isReadyForMoreMediaData, shouldContinue 1
2011-11-08 12:42:41.668 iStopMotion[22804:1e507] should continue 1
2011-11-08 12:42:41.730 iStopMotion[22804:1e507] End of while - should continue 1 - asset writer is ready for more media 1
2011-11-08 12:42:41.751 iStopMotion[22804:1f107] should continue 1
2011-11-08 12:42:41.766 iStopMotion[22804:1f107] End of while - should continue 1 - asset writer is ready for more media 0
2011-11-08 12:42:41.789 iStopMotion[22804:1f107] out of while
2011-11-08 12:42:41.766 iStopMotion[22804:1e507] assetWriter isReadyForMoreMediaData, shouldContinue 1


'NSInternalInconsistencyException', reason: '*** -[AVAssetWriterInputPixelBufferAdaptor appendPixelBuffer:withPresentationTime:]
A pixel buffer cannot be appended when readyForMoreMediaData is NO.'

看起来 AVAssetWriterInput 正在处理来自第一个块的数据,因此不是 readyForMoreMediaData,第二个块也尝试附加像素缓冲区。



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