我正在开发一个包装脚本,它将运行一个 vmware 可执行文件,允许虚拟机启动/关闭/注册/注销操作的自动化。我正在尝试使用子进程来处理调用可执行文件,但是子进程未正确处理可执行文件路径和可执行文件参数中的空格。下面是一个代码片段:

vmrun_cmd = r"c:/Program Files/VMware/VMware Server/vmware-cmd.bat"
def vm_start(target_vm):
    list_arg = "start"
    list_arg2 = "hard"
    if vm_list(target_vm):
            p = Popen([vmrun_cmd, target_vm, list_arg, list_arg2],   stdout=PIPE).communicate()[0]
            print p
def vm_list2(target_vm):
    list_arg = "-l"
    p = Popen([vmrun_cmd, list_arg], stdout=PIPE).communicate()[0]
    for line in p.split('\n'):
            print line

如果我调用 vm_list2 函数,我会得到以下输出:

$ ./vmware_control.py --list                                                
C:\Virtual Machines\QAW2K3Server\Windows Server 2003 Standard Edition.vmx
C:\Virtual Machines\ubunturouter\Ubuntu.vmx
C:\Virtual Machines\vacc\vacc.vmx
C:\Virtual Machines\EdgeAS-4.4.x\Other Linux 2.4.x kernel.vmx
C:\Virtual Machines\UbuntuServer1\Ubuntu.vmx
C:\Virtual Machines\Other Linux 2.4.x kernel\Other Linux 2.4.x kernel.vmx
C:\Virtual Machines\QAClient\Windows XP Professional.vmx

如果我调用需要 path-to-vm 参数的 vm_start 函数,我会得到以下输出:

$ ./vmware_control.py --start "C:\Virtual Machines\ubunturouter\Ubuntu.vmx"
'c:\Program' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.




10 回答 10



subprocess.call('""' + path + '""')


于 2009-04-30T13:41:10.677 回答
'c:\Program' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.

To get this message, you are either:

  1. Using shell=True:

    vmrun_cmd = r"c:\Program Files\VMware\VMware Server\vmware-cmd.bat"
    subprocess.Popen(vmrun_cmd, shell=True)
  2. Changing vmrun_cmd on other part of your code

  3. Getting this error from something inside vmware-cmd.bat

Things to try:

  • Open a python prompt, run the following command:

    subprocess.Popen([r"c:\Program Files\VMware\VMware Server\vmware-cmd.bat"])

If that works, then quoting issues are out of the question. If not, you've isolated the problem.

于 2009-04-30T01:46:59.037 回答

I believe that list2cmdline(), which is doing the processing of your list args, splits any string arg on whitespace unless the string contains double quotes. So I would expect

vmrun_cmd = r'"c:/Program Files/VMware/VMware Server/vmware-cmd.bat"'

to be what you want.

You'll also likely want to surround the other arguments (like target_vm) in double quotes on the assumption that they, too, each represent a distinct arg to present to the command line. Something like

r'"%s"' % target_vm

(for example) should suit.

See the list2cmdline documentation


于 2009-04-30T02:00:13.203 回答

在 MS Windows 上的 Python 中, subprocess.Popen 类使用 CreateProcess API 来启动进程。CreateProcess 采用字符串而不是参数数组之类的东西。Python 使用 subprocess.list2cmdline 将 args 列表转换为 CreateProcess 的字符串。

如果我是你,我会看到 subprocess.list2cmdline(args) 返回什么(其中 args 是 Popen 的第一个参数)。看看它是否在第一个参数周围加上引号会很有趣。

当然,这种解释可能不适用于 Cygwin 环境。

说了这么多,我没有MS Windows。

于 2009-04-30T04:11:00.313 回答

一个问题是,如果命令用引号括起来并且没有空格,这也会使 shell 混淆。


if ' ' in raw_cmd:
    fmt = '"%s"'
    fmt = '%s'

cmd = fmt % raw_cmd
于 2009-06-14T15:09:33.527 回答

对于我们的最后三个问题来说,这是一个相当困难的问题......到目前为止,没有任何说明有效,既没有使用 r"" 也没有使用带有列表的 Popen 等等。最终起作用的是格式字符串和 r"" 的组合。所以我的解决方案是这样的:

subprocess.Popen("{0} -f {1}".format(pathToExe, r'"%s"' % pathToVideoFileOrDir))

其中两个变量 pathToExe 和 pathToVideoFileOrDir 在其路径中都有空格。在格式化字符串中使用 \" 不起作用,并导致不再正确检测到第一个路径的相同错误。

于 2016-04-08T14:48:01.507 回答

2 things


You probably don't want to use Pipe If the output of the subprogram is greater than 64KB it is likely your process will crash. http://thraxil.org/users/anders/posts/2008/03/13/Subprocess-Hanging-PIPE-is-your-enemy/

2) Subprocess.Popen has a keyword argument shell, making it as if the shell has been parsing your arguments, setting shell=True should do what you want.

于 2009-04-30T01:49:23.947 回答


vmrun_cmd = r"c:/Program Files/VMware/VMware Server/vmware-cmd.bat"

命令本身的名称中有空格——这让你的 shell 感到困惑。因此,“'c:\Program' 不被识别为内部或外部命令、可运行程序或批处理文件。”

选项 1 - 将您的 .BAT 文件放在其他地方。事实上,将所有 VMWare 放在其他地方。规则如下: 不要对任何东西使用“程序文件”目录。 这是错误的。

选项 2——引用vmrun_cmd

vmrun_cmd = r'"c:/Program Files/VMware/VMware Server/vmware-cmd.bat"'
于 2009-04-30T13:19:59.277 回答

Why are you using r""? I believe that if you remove the "r" from the beginning, it will be treated as a standard string which may contain spaces. Python should then properly quote the string when sending it to the shell.

于 2009-04-30T01:22:40.157 回答

可能是愚蠢的建议,但也许可以尝试以下方法,从等式中删除 subprocess + 空格:

import os
from subprocess Popen, PIPE

    os.path.join("C:", "Program Files", "VMware", "VMware Server")

p = Popen(
    ["vmware-cmd.bat", target_vm, list_arg, list_arg2],


p = Popen(
    [os.path.join("C:", "Program Files", "VMware", "VMware Server", "vmware-cmd.bat"), ...
于 2009-04-30T03:17:30.817 回答