我使用 .NET 的 WebRequest 将自己的页面作为临时黑客“屏幕抓取”。
我想知道是否有一种方法可以使用.NET 的许多内置属性和方法使它们正确翻译。
private string getArticle(string urlToGet)
StreamReader oSR = null;
//Here's the work horse of what we're doing, the WebRequest object
//fetches the URL
WebRequest objRequest = WebRequest.Create(urlToGet);
//The WebResponse object gets the Request's response (the HTML)
WebResponse objResponse = objRequest.GetResponse();
//Now dump the contents of our HTML in the Response object to a
//Stream reader
oSR = new StreamReader(objResponse.GetResponseStream());
//And dump the StreamReader into a string...
string strContent = oSR.ReadToEnd();
//Here we set up our Regular expression to snatch what's between the
Regex regex = new Regex("<!-- content_starts_here //-->((.|\n)*?)<!-- content_ends_here //-->",
//Here we apply our regular expression to our string using the
//Match object.
Match oM = regex.Match(strContent);
//Bam! We return the value from our Match, and we're in business.
return oM.Value;