我不会创建单独的页面。页面是使用组件的上下文、应用程序。Javascript 允许您创建类(不要与 CSS 类混淆)。您可以创建每个类的实例。所以如果你有一个 Car 类,你可以实例化其中的两个,并让它们与页面交互。例如:
// Javascript is a prototyped language. A class is defined as a function:
function Car()
// Some initialization of properties by assigning to this.propname
this.x = 0; this.y = 0;
this.direction = 0;
this.velocity = 0;
// Add methods by extending the prototype
Car.prototype.show = function()
// For each Car object, create and remember a DOM element.
// This is what makes your car visible.
this.DOMelement = document.createElement('div');
// Set style properties to position the car.
// Add sub-elements to make the case visible (images?)
Car.prototype.move = function()
// Update this.x and this.y
// Move/update the related DOM element accordingly.
var Car1 = new Car();
var Car2 = new Car();
Car1.show(); // Show the first.
//Instead of an actual loop, you can create a function to render a single frame
function tick()
// Handle input and redirect it to the appropriate cars
// Call .move of all the cars
// Call the tick function repeatedly every 10 ms.
setInterval('tick', 10);