如果您运行 man productbuild 并查找以 PRODUCT DEFINITION PROPERTY LIST 开头的部分
When you use productbuild to synthesize a distribution (e.g. with the --component option), you can specify additional parameters and
requirements in a separate property list file, specified with the --product option. At the top level, this property list is a dictio-
nary, with the following keys:
Key Description
os Minimum allowable OS versions (array of strings)
arch Supported architectures (array of strings)
ram Minimum required RAM in gigabytes (real)
bundle Specific bundles that must exist on the system (array of dictionaries)
all-bundles Are all of the bundles specified required? (Boolean)
gl-renderer Required OpenGL capabilities (string)
cl-device Required OpenCL capabilities (string)
single-graphics-device Must OpenGL and OpenCL requirements be met by a single device? (Boolean)
home Should installation be allowed in user home directory? (Boolean)
提供了更多信息,您应该能够使用 XCode 或文本编辑器生成这些信息。在 XCode 中,只需创建一个新的 plist 并根据您的要求和 man 文件中列出的可能值添加键/值对。