作为我的构建的一部分,我已经实现了生成 Xml 序列化程序集的公认答案中提到的更改
<Target Name="AfterBuild" DependsOnTargets="AssignTargetPaths;Compile;ResolveKeySource" Inputs="$(MSBuildAllProjects);@(IntermediateAssembly)" Outputs="$(OutputPath)$(_SGenDllName)">
<!-- Delete the file because I can't figure out how to force the SGen task. -->
<Delete Files="$(TargetDir)$(TargetName).XmlSerializers.dll" ContinueOnError="true" />
<SGen BuildAssemblyName="$(TargetFileName)" BuildAssemblyPath="$(OutputPath)" References="@(ReferencePath)" ShouldGenerateSerializer="true" UseProxyTypes="false" KeyContainer="$(KeyContainerName)" KeyFile="$(KeyOriginatorFile)" DelaySign="$(DelaySign)" ToolPath="$(SGenToolPath)" Platform="$(Platform)">
<Output TaskParameter="SerializationAssembly" ItemName="SerializationAssembly" />
构建 exe 项目的错误消息:
错误 14 出现反映类型“myNamespace.myAssembly.myForm.MicroContact”的错误。C:\dev\src\myClient\myClient\SGEN myClient
这是 MicroContact 的代码(这里没有什么独特之处):
Public Class MicroContact
Implements IComparable
Private _id As Long
Private _name As String
Public Property Id() As Long
Return _id
End Get
Set(ByVal value As Long)
_id = value
End Set
End Property
Public Property NoTitleFullName() As String
Return _name
End Get
Set(ByVal value As String)
_name = value
End Set
End Property
Public Sub New()
_name = ""
End Sub
Public Sub New(ByVal id As Long, ByVal name As String)
_id = id
_name = name
End Sub
Public Function CompareTo(ByVal obj As Object) As Integer Implements System.IComparable.CompareTo
Return String.Compare(Me.NoTitleFullName, CType(obj, MicroContact).NoTitleFullName, True)
End Function
End Class