作业:编写获取 Drink[] 数组的静态方法,其中 AlcoholDrink 具有不同的酒精值。该方法返回一个包含三个最高酒精值的数组!如果数组中没有那么多酒精饮料,则该方法返回一个空引用!
原因在 sz[1] = (AlcoholDrink)t[1]; 它是一个饮料对象(非酒精),我不明白为什么它在那里......
或者我的比较方法不完美,可能有错误......我该如何瞄准,非酒精饮料对象(Drink Objects)到数组的末尾?
这是我的 C# 代码:
class DrinkComparer : IComparer<Drink>
public int Compare(Drink x, Drink y)
// AlcoholDrink class is children of Drink class
if (x is AlcoholDrink && y is AlcoholDrink)
AlcoholDrink a = (AlcoholDrink)x;
AlcoholDrink b = (AlcoholDrink)y;
double aAlk = a.GetValueOfAlcohol;
double bAlk = b.GetValueOfAlcohol;
if (aAlk > bAlk)
return -1;
else if (aAlk < bAlk)
return 1;
return 0;
// Drink objects haven't got GetValueOfAlcohol method...
// How can I aim, the non AlcoholDrink objects (Drink objects) go to the end array?
return 1;
static AlcoholDrink[] Largest3AlcoholDrink(Drink[] t)
Array.Sort(t, new DrinkComparer());
AlcoholDrink[] sz = new AlcoholDrink[3];
sz[0] = (AlcoholDrink)t[0];
sz[1] = (AlcoholDrink)t[1];
sz[2] = (AlcoholDrink)t[2];
return sz;
AlcoholDrink sz = new AlcoholDrink( "Kékfrankos" , "0.75 l", 1500, 4.5);
Drink[] t = new Drink[8];
t[0] = new AlcoholDrink("Kék Portói", "0.75 l", 1200, 20.5);
t[1] = new Drink("Tocsik", "0.75 l", 1100); // Non Alcohol Drink
t[2] = new AlcoholDrink("Tokaji Asszú", "0.75 l ", 1600, 14.5);
t[3] = new AlcoholDrink("Egri Bikavér", "0.75 l", 1500, 23.5);
t[4] = new Drink("Egri Szamóca", "0.75 l", 1100); // Non Alchol Drink
t[5] = new AlcoholDrink("Egri Merlot", "0.75 l", 1700, 18.5);
t[6] = new AlcoholDrink("Egri Medina", "0.75 l", 900, 16.5);
t[7] = new AlcoholDrink("Törley Talisman", "0.75 l", 750, 4.5);
Console.WriteLine(DrinkKeres( t, "Egri Bikavér"));