I want to implement a Drag gesture within a LinearLayout view,and there are some components contained in it,such as TextView,button. Now i use APL level 11,3.0 SDK to design it according to Android offical document.the methods included in my codes are below:
onLongClick() --- trigger the Drag movtion with view.startDrag(clipdate, dragShadow, null,0)
onDrag() ---a drag listener, use view.layout(left, top, right, bottom), refresh the component's appreance has been drag
and problem i come across is , the other components disappear when i drag one in LinearLayou view, and when i drop the drag one ,it disappear with others.
so Plz anyone who can help me tell how it going wrong,or how can i implement drag gesture well with your suggestion. Firstly,thanks and appreciate every gus come here.