我正在寻找.NET 的线程安全阻塞队列的实现。“线程安全阻塞队列”是指: - 线程安全访问队列,其中 Dequeue 方法调用阻塞线程,直到其他线程放入(入队)某个值。
到目前为止,我已经找到了这个: http ://www.eggheadcafe.com/articles/20060414.asp (但它适用于.NET 1.1)。
我正在寻找.NET 的线程安全阻塞队列的实现。“线程安全阻塞队列”是指: - 线程安全访问队列,其中 Dequeue 方法调用阻塞线程,直到其他线程放入(入队)某个值。
到目前为止,我已经找到了这个: http ://www.eggheadcafe.com/articles/20060414.asp (但它适用于.NET 1.1)。
作为参考,.NET 4 引入了System.Collections.Concurrent.BlockingCollection<T>
. 请注意,ConcurrentQueue<T>
OP 使用的基础数据存储。
这个在 .NET 中创建阻塞队列怎么样?
如果您需要 .NET 1.1(我从问题中不确定),只需删除泛型并替换T
Queue.Synchronized http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/system.collections.queue.synchronized(VS.71).aspx
Microsoft 示例是一个很好的示例,但它没有封装到一个类中。此外,它要求使用者线程在 MTA 中运行(因为 WaitAny 调用)。在某些情况下,您可能需要在 STA 中运行(例如,如果您正在执行 COM 互操作)。在这些情况下,不能使用 WaitAny。
我有一个简单的阻塞队列类可以解决这个问题:http: //element533.blogspot.com/2010/01/stoppable-blocking-queue-for-net.html
是的,.NET4 包含并发集合。顺便说一句,来自 pfx 团队的关于并行扩展的非常好的手册 - http: //www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx ?FamilyID=86b3d32b-ad26-4bb8-a3ae-c1637026c3ee&displaylang=en 。
pfx 作为 Reactive Extensions 的一部分也可用于 .net 3.5。
//Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
using System;
using System.Threading;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
// The thread synchronization events are encapsulated in this
// class to allow them to easily be passed to the Consumer and
// Producer classes.
public class SyncEvents
public SyncEvents()
// AutoResetEvent is used for the "new item" event because
// we want this event to reset automatically each time the
// consumer thread responds to this event.
_newItemEvent = new AutoResetEvent(false);
// ManualResetEvent is used for the "exit" event because
// we want multiple threads to respond when this event is
// signaled. If we used AutoResetEvent instead, the event
// object would revert to a non-signaled state with after
// a single thread responded, and the other thread would
// fail to terminate.
_exitThreadEvent = new ManualResetEvent(false);
// The two events are placed in a WaitHandle array as well so
// that the consumer thread can block on both events using
// the WaitAny method.
_eventArray = new WaitHandle[2];
_eventArray[0] = _newItemEvent;
_eventArray[1] = _exitThreadEvent;
// Public properties allow safe access to the events.
public EventWaitHandle ExitThreadEvent
get { return _exitThreadEvent; }
public EventWaitHandle NewItemEvent
get { return _newItemEvent; }
public WaitHandle[] EventArray
get { return _eventArray; }
private EventWaitHandle _newItemEvent;
private EventWaitHandle _exitThreadEvent;
private WaitHandle[] _eventArray;
// The Producer class asynchronously (using a worker thread)
// adds items to the queue until there are 20 items.
public class Producer
public Producer(Queue<int> q, SyncEvents e)
_queue = q;
_syncEvents = e;
public void ThreadRun()
int count = 0;
Random r = new Random();
while (!_syncEvents.ExitThreadEvent.WaitOne(0, false))
lock (((ICollection)_queue).SyncRoot)
while (_queue.Count < 20)
_queue.Enqueue(r.Next(0, 100));
Console.WriteLine("Producer thread: produced {0} items", count);
private Queue<int> _queue;
private SyncEvents _syncEvents;
// The Consumer class uses its own worker thread to consume items
// in the queue. The Producer class notifies the Consumer class
// of new items with the NewItemEvent.
public class Consumer
public Consumer(Queue<int> q, SyncEvents e)
_queue = q;
_syncEvents = e;
public void ThreadRun()
int count = 0;
while (WaitHandle.WaitAny(_syncEvents.EventArray) != 1)
lock (((ICollection)_queue).SyncRoot)
int item = _queue.Dequeue();
Console.WriteLine("Consumer Thread: consumed {0} items", count);
private Queue<int> _queue;
private SyncEvents _syncEvents;
public class ThreadSyncSample
private static void ShowQueueContents(Queue<int> q)
// Enumerating a collection is inherently not thread-safe,
// so it is imperative that the collection be locked throughout
// the enumeration to prevent the consumer and producer threads
// from modifying the contents. (This method is called by the
// primary thread only.)
lock (((ICollection)q).SyncRoot)
foreach (int i in q)
Console.Write("{0} ", i);
static void Main()
// Configure struct containing event information required
// for thread synchronization.
SyncEvents syncEvents = new SyncEvents();
// Generic Queue collection is used to store items to be
// produced and consumed. In this case 'int' is used.
Queue<int> queue = new Queue<int>();
// Create objects, one to produce items, and one to
// consume. The queue and the thread synchronization
// events are passed to both objects.
Console.WriteLine("Configuring worker threads...");
Producer producer = new Producer(queue, syncEvents);
Consumer consumer = new Consumer(queue, syncEvents);
// Create the thread objects for producer and consumer
// objects. This step does not create or launch the
// actual threads.
Thread producerThread = new Thread(producer.ThreadRun);
Thread consumerThread = new Thread(consumer.ThreadRun);
// Create and launch both threads.
Console.WriteLine("Launching producer and consumer threads...");
// Let producer and consumer threads run for 10 seconds.
// Use the primary thread (the thread executing this method)
// to display the queue contents every 2.5 seconds.
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
// Signal both consumer and producer thread to terminate.
// Both threads will respond because ExitThreadEvent is a
// manual-reset event--so it stays 'set' unless explicitly reset.
Console.WriteLine("Signaling threads to terminate...");
// Use Join to block primary thread, first until the producer thread
// terminates, then until the consumer thread terminates.
Console.WriteLine("main thread waiting for threads to finish...");