我用 C 语言编写了一个代码(向手机发送命令)来删除 LG Phoenix 手机上的 GPS 数据(eph、alm、时间、位置等),我正在尝试测试数据是否已被删除。测试它的最佳方法是什么?


2 回答 2


最后调用 GPS 提供程序上的getLastKnownLocation()并查看它是否返回任何内容。

于 2011-11-04T18:52:17.177 回答

Different GPS chipsets stores this data in different locations, so you can never be sure. I don't know what chipset is used in your LG phone. Root your phone and browse the /data/ directory, usually you'll find something like /data/gps/.

The external symptoms of deleting this data is that of a cold start. That is, if the device is not connected to the internet, and it is somewhere outside, it will take 2 minutes or longer to get a GPS fix. So that's how you'l know.

于 2011-11-05T08:55:49.313 回答