openCV cvLoadImage 和 cvSaveImage 中的两个函数接受文件路径作为参数。

例如,当保存图像时,它是cvSaveImage("/tmp/output.jpg", dstIpl)并写入磁盘。


我也想知道这对于 cvSaveImage 和 cvLoadImage (读取和写入内存缓冲区)。谢谢!

我的目标是将文件的编码(jpeg)版本存储在内存中。cvLoadImage 也是如此,我想将内存中的 jpeg 加载为 IplImage 格式。


6 回答 6



// decode jpg (or other image from a pointer)
// imageBuf contains the jpg image
    cv::Mat imgbuf = cv::Mat(480, 640, CV_8U, imageBuf);
    cv::Mat imgMat = cv::imdecode(imgbuf, CV_LOAD_IMAGE_COLOR);
// imgMat is the decoded image

// encode image into jpg
    cv::vector<uchar> buf;
    cv::imencode(".jpg", imgMat, buf, std::vector<int>() );
// encoded image is now in buf (a vector)
    imageBuf = (unsigned char *) realloc(imageBuf, buf.size());
    memcpy(imageBuf, &buf[0], buf.size());
//  size of imageBuf is buf.size();

我被问及 C 版本而不是 C++:

#include <opencv/cv.h>
#include <opencv/highgui.h>

main(int argc, char **argv)
    char *cvwin = "camimg";

    cvNamedWindow(cvwin, CV_WINDOW_AUTOSIZE);

    // setup code, initialization, etc ...
    [ ... ]

    while (1) {      
        // getImage was my routine for getting a jpeg from a camera
        char *img = getImage(fp);
        CvMat mat;

   // substitute 640/480 with your image width, height 
        cvInitMatHeader(&mat, 640, 480, CV_8UC3, img, 0);
        IplImage *cvImg = cvDecodeImage(&mat, CV_LOAD_IMAGE_COLOR);
        cvShowImage(cvwin, cvImg);
        if (27 == cvWaitKey(1))         // exit when user hits 'ESC' key

于 2012-03-29T17:33:28.620 回答

SVN 版本的库中有几个未记录的函数:

CV_IMPL CvMat* cvEncodeImage( const char* ext, 
                              const CvArr* arr, const int* _params )

CV_IMPL IplImage* cvDecodeImage( const CvMat* _buf, int iscolor )

最新签入消息表明它们用于 bmp、png、ppm 和 tiff 的本机编码/解码(仅编码)。

或者,您可以使用标准图像编码库(例如 libjpeg)并操作 IplImage 中的数据以匹配编码库的输入结构。

于 2009-05-07T01:04:17.787 回答

我假设你在linux中工作。来自 libjpeg.doc:

JPEG 压缩操作的大致轮廓是:
分配和初始化 JPEG 压缩对象

while (扫描线仍有待写入)

释放 JPEG 压缩对象

做你想做的事情的真正诀窍是提供一个在 jpeglib.h 中定义的自定义“数据目标(或源)管理器”:

struct jpeg_destination_mgr {
  JOCTET * next_output_byte;    /* => next byte to write in buffer */
  size_t free_in_buffer;        /* # of byte spaces remaining in buffer */

  JMETHOD(void, init_destination, (j_compress_ptr cinfo));
  JMETHOD(boolean, empty_output_buffer, (j_compress_ptr cinfo));
  JMETHOD(void, term_destination, (j_compress_ptr cinfo));


顺便说一句,这篇文章可能会好很多,但坦率地说,libjpeg62 文档非常棒。只需 apt-get libjpeg62-dev 并阅读 libjpeg.doc 并查看 example.c。如果您遇到问题并且无法解决问题,请再次发布,我相信有人会提供帮助。

于 2009-05-11T03:37:32.777 回答


过去,我直接使用libpnglibjpeg来完成此操作。它们有一个足够低级的 API,您可以使用内存缓冲区而不是文件缓冲区进行读写。

于 2009-05-07T01:19:10.713 回答

从内存缓冲区加载文件所需的只是一个不同的 src 管理器 (libjpeg)。我在 Ubuntu 8.10 中测试了以下代码。

/******************************** First define mem buffer function bodies **************/
 * memsrc.c
 * Copyright (C) 1994-1996, Thomas G. Lane.
 * This file is part of the Independent JPEG Group's software.
 * For conditions of distribution and use, see the accompanying README file.
 * This file contains decompression data source routines for the case of
 * reading JPEG data from a memory buffer that is preloaded with the entire
 * JPEG file.  This would not seem especially useful at first sight, but
 * a number of people have asked for it.
 * This is really just a stripped-down version of jdatasrc.c.  Comparison
 * of this code with jdatasrc.c may be helpful in seeing how to make
 * custom source managers for other purposes.

/* this is not a core library module, so it doesn't define JPEG_INTERNALS */
//include "jinclude.h"
include "jpeglib.h"
include "jerror.h"

/* Expanded data source object for memory input */

typedef struct {
  struct jpeg_source_mgr pub;   /* public fields */

  JOCTET eoi_buffer[2];     /* a place to put a dummy EOI */
} my_source_mgr;

typedef my_source_mgr * my_src_ptr;

 * Initialize source --- called by jpeg_read_header
 * before any data is actually read.

init_source (j_decompress_ptr cinfo)
  /* No work, since jpeg_memory_src set up the buffer pointer and count.
   * Indeed, if we want to read multiple JPEG images from one buffer,
   * this *must* not do anything to the pointer.

 * Fill the input buffer --- called whenever buffer is emptied.
 * In this application, this routine should never be called; if it is called,
 * the decompressor has overrun the end of the input buffer, implying we
 * supplied an incomplete or corrupt JPEG datastream.  A simple error exit
 * might be the most appropriate response.
 * But what we choose to do in this code is to supply dummy EOI markers
 * in order to force the decompressor to finish processing and supply
 * some sort of output image, no matter how corrupted.

fill_input_buffer (j_decompress_ptr cinfo)
  my_src_ptr src = (my_src_ptr) cinfo->src;


  /* Create a fake EOI marker */
  src->eoi_buffer[0] = (JOCTET) 0xFF;
  src->eoi_buffer[1] = (JOCTET) JPEG_EOI;
  src->pub.next_input_byte = src->eoi_buffer;
  src->pub.bytes_in_buffer = 2;

  return TRUE;

 * Skip data --- used to skip over a potentially large amount of
 * uninteresting data (such as an APPn marker).
 * If we overrun the end of the buffer, we let fill_input_buffer deal with
 * it.  An extremely large skip could cause some time-wasting here, but
 * it really isn't supposed to happen ... and the decompressor will never
 * skip more than 64K anyway.

skip_input_data (j_decompress_ptr cinfo, long num_bytes)
  my_src_ptr src = (my_src_ptr) cinfo->src;

  if (num_bytes > 0) {
    while (num_bytes > (long) src->pub.bytes_in_buffer) {
      num_bytes -= (long) src->pub.bytes_in_buffer;
      (void) fill_input_buffer(cinfo);
      /* note we assume that fill_input_buffer will never return FALSE,
       * so suspension need not be handled.
    src->pub.next_input_byte += (size_t) num_bytes;
    src->pub.bytes_in_buffer -= (size_t) num_bytes;

 * An additional method that can be provided by data source modules is the
 * resync_to_restart method for error recovery in the presence of RST markers.
 * For the moment, this source module just uses the default resync method
 * provided by the JPEG library.  That method assumes that no backtracking
 * is possible.

 * Terminate source --- called by jpeg_finish_decompress
 * after all data has been read.  Often a no-op.
 * NB: *not* called by jpeg_abort or jpeg_destroy; surrounding
 * application must deal with any cleanup that should happen even
 * for error exit.

term_source (j_decompress_ptr cinfo)
  /* no work necessary here */

 * Prepare for input from a memory buffer.

jpeg_memory_src (j_decompress_ptr cinfo, const JOCTET * buffer, size_t bufsize)
  my_src_ptr src;

  /* The source object is made permanent so that a series of JPEG images
   * can be read from a single buffer by calling jpeg_memory_src
   * only before the first one.
   * This makes it unsafe to use this manager and a different source
   * manager serially with the same JPEG object.  Caveat programmer.
  if (cinfo->src == NULL) { /* first time for this JPEG object? */
    cinfo->src = (struct jpeg_source_mgr *)
      (*cinfo->mem->alloc_small) ((j_common_ptr) cinfo, JPOOL_PERMANENT,

  src = (my_src_ptr) cinfo->src;
  src->pub.init_source = init_source;
  src->pub.fill_input_buffer = fill_input_buffer;
  src->pub.skip_input_data = skip_input_data;
  src->pub.resync_to_restart = jpeg_resync_to_restart; /* use default method */
  src->pub.term_source = term_source;

  src->pub.next_input_byte = buffer;
  src->pub.bytes_in_buffer = bufsize;

那么用法就很简单了。您可能需要将 SIZEOF() 替换为 sizeof()。找一个标准的解压例子。只需将“jpeg_stdio_src”替换为“jpeg_memory_src”即可。希望有帮助!

于 2010-03-25T04:55:08.600 回答

这是德尔福的一个例子。它将 24 位位图转换为与 OpenCV 一起使用

function BmpToPIplImageEx(Bmp: TBitmap): pIplImage;
  i: Integer;
  offset: LongInt;
  dataByte: PByteArray;  
  Assert(Bmp.PixelFormat = pf24bit, 'PixelFormat must be 24bit');
  Result := cvCreateImageHeader(cvSize(Bmp.Width, Bmp.Height), IPL_DEPTH_8U, 3);
  for i := 0 to Bmp.height - 1 do
    offset   := longint(Result.imageData) + Result.WidthStep * i;
    dataByte := PByteArray(offset);    
    CopyMemory(dataByte, Bmp.Scanline[i], Result.WidthStep);
于 2013-11-21T15:01:05.103 回答