有许多算法可以调整图像大小 - lancorz、双三次、双线性,例如,但它们中的大多数都非常复杂,因此消耗过多的 CPU

我需要的是快速相对简单的 C++ 代码来调整图像大小并具有可接受的质量


for (int y = 0; y < height; y ++)
    int         srcY1Coord = int((double)(y * srcHeight) / height);
    int         srcY2Coord = min(srcHeight - 1, max(srcY1Coord, int((double)((y + 1) * srcHeight) / height) - 1));

    for (int x = 0; x < width; x ++)
        int     srcX1Coord = int((double)(x * srcWidth) / width);
        int     srcX2Coord = min(srcWidth - 1, max(srcX1Coord, int((double)((x + 1) * srcWidth) / width) - 1));
        int     srcPixelsCount = (srcX2Coord - srcX1Coord + 1) * (srcY2Coord - srcY1Coord + 1);
        RGB32       color32;
        UINT32      r(0), g(0), b(0), a(0);

        for (int xSrc = srcX1Coord; xSrc <= srcX2Coord; xSrc ++)
            for (int ySrc = srcY1Coord; ySrc <= srcY2Coord; ySrc ++)
                RGB32   curSrcColor32 = pSrcDIB->GetDIBPixel(xSrc, ySrc);
                r += curSrcColor32.r; g += curSrcColor32.g; b += curSrcColor32.b; a += curSrcColor32.alpha;

            color32.r = BYTE(r / srcPixelsCount); color32.g = BYTE(g / srcPixelsCount); color32.b = BYTE(b / srcPixelsCount); color32.alpha = BYTE(a / srcPixelsCount);

            SetDIBPixel(x, y, color32);


因此,可能有人已经有了用于扩展 DIB 的快速且良好的 C++ 代码示例?

注意:我以前使用过StretchDIBits - 当需要将 10000x10000 图片缩小到 100x100 大小时,它非常慢,我的代码要快得多,我只是想要更高的质量

PS 我正在使用我自己的 SetPixel/GetPixel 函数,直接使用数据数组并且速度很快,这不是设备上下文!


3 回答 3


你为什么在CPU上做?使用 GDI,很有可能获得一些硬件加速。使用StretchBltSetStretchBltMode


 create source dc and destination dc using CreateCompatibleDC
 create source and destination bitmaps
 SelectObject source bitmap into source DC and dest bitmap into dest DC
 release DCs
于 2011-11-01T14:37:38.273 回答


for (int y = 0; y < height; y ++)
    double      srcY1Coord = (y * srcHeight) / (double)height;
    int         srcY1CoordInt = (int)(srcY1Coord);
    double      srcY2Coord = ((y + 1) * srcHeight) / (double)height - 0.00000000001;
    int         srcY2CoordInt = min(maxSrcYcoord, (int)(srcY2Coord));
    double      yMultiplierForFirstCoord = (0.5 * (1 - (srcY1Coord - srcY1CoordInt)));
    double      yMultiplierForLastCoord = (0.5 * (srcY2Coord - srcY2CoordInt));

    for (int x = 0; x < width; x ++)
        double  srcX1Coord = (x * srcWidth) / (double)width;
        int     srcX1CoordInt = (int)(srcX1Coord);
        double  srcX2Coord = ((x + 1) * srcWidth) / (double)width - 0.00000000001;
        int     srcX2CoordInt = min(maxSrcXcoord, (int)(srcX2Coord));
        RGB32   color32;

        ASSERT(srcX1Coord < srcWidth && srcY1Coord < srcHeight);
        double  r(0), g(0), b(0), a(0), multiplier(0);

        for (int xSrc = srcX1CoordInt; xSrc <= srcX2CoordInt; xSrc ++)
            for (int ySrc = srcY1CoordInt; ySrc <= srcY2CoordInt; ySrc ++)
                RGB32   curSrcColor32 = pSrcDIB->GetDIBPixel(xSrc, ySrc);
                double  xMultiplier = xSrc < srcX1Coord ? (0.5 * (1 - (srcX1Coord - srcX1CoordInt))) : (xSrc >= srcX2Coord ? (0.5 * (srcX2Coord - srcX2CoordInt)) : 0.5);
                double  yMultiplier = ySrc < srcY1Coord ? yMultiplierForFirstCoord : (ySrc >= srcY2Coord ? yMultiplierForLastCoord : 0.5);
                double  curPixelMultiplier = xMultiplier + yMultiplier;

                if (curPixelMultiplier > 0)
                    r += (curSrcColor32.r * curPixelMultiplier); g += (curSrcColor32.g * curPixelMultiplier); b += (curSrcColor32.b * curPixelMultiplier); a += (curSrcColor32.alpha * curPixelMultiplier);
                    multiplier += curPixelMultiplier;
            color32.r = BYTE(r / multiplier); color32.g = BYTE(g / multiplier); color32.b = BYTE(b / multiplier); color32.alpha = BYTE(a / multiplier);

            SetDIBPixel(x, y, color32);

PS 请不要问我为什么不使用 StretchDIBits - 为那些了解并非总是系统 api 可用或可接受的人留下评论。

于 2011-11-07T21:32:21.413 回答

再说一次,为什么要在 CPU 上做呢?为什么不使用 OpenGL/DirectX 和片段着色器?在伪代码中:

upload source texture (cache it if it's to be reused)
create destination texture
use shader program
render quad
download output texture

shader program正在使用的过滤方法在哪里。GPU 在处理像素方面比 CPU/GetPixel/SetPixel 好得多。

您可能会在网络上找到许多不同过滤方法的片段着色器 - GPU Gems 是一个很好的起点。

于 2011-11-01T14:59:00.487 回答