I'm using the jQuery plugin Cloud Zoom, and I've altered the initialization so that the image is zoomed when the user clicks on a "magnify button" instead of hovering. I'm not sure how to unset/remove this event when the user leaves the image though, and I'd be very interested to hear what the best practice would be.

This is what the script looks like -

$('.magnify').click(function() {
    $('.cloud-zoom').CloudZoom({ showTitle: false });
    return false;

$('.display').mouseout(function() {
  // unset?

(".display" is a container) Is bind/unbind necessary? It seems it might do the trick, but I wish there was an easier method since it's just about one function.


3 回答 3


Simply use the destroy function of CloudZoom:


Note that this destroys only the first occurence, if you have more than one use:

于 2011-10-31T19:40:21.340 回答

For the Star Plugins version 3 it is

于 2013-02-27T20:00:44.367 回答

So you are trying to "remove" the zoomed image when you mouseout? That seems to be a bit of an accessibility issue. Also, what if you lose track of your mouse, so that mean the zoom will leave if you shake your mouse a bit and accidentally leave the display? Seems a bit clunky. Why not have something like when you click elsewhere besides the image?

于 2011-10-31T20:03:52.400 回答