Mirth是帮助医疗保健应用程序 HL7 消息集成的代理。
我的问题是,每次您想要查找 HL7 中包含的某些数据时,您都可以省去访问自己的数据存储区的麻烦。
场景:对于频道收到的每条消息,我想找到设施的助记符/代码/ID,并获取设施的全名。不幸的是,我不能要求 HL7 消息的发件人在消息中为我发送它。所以我必须编写自己的数据库访问代码来调用存储过程,传入 ID,并接收全名。
关于如何在 Mirth 中创建数据缓存以便您可以从任何通道、源、目标、转换器或过滤器访问查找的任何想法?
注意:在我们的例子中,每个键可以有两个与之关联的值。如果我们不同时使用两者,我们只需在数据库查询中将第二个设置为 null。
// This script executes once when the mule engine is started
// You only have access to the globalMap here to persist data
var sqlDBDriver = 'net.sourceforge.jtds.jdbc.Driver';
var sqlDBName = 'jdbc:jtds:sqlserver://databaseserver/databasename';
var sqlDBDUser = 'username';
var sqlDBPassword = 'password';
function PopulateLookup ( sqlQuery, globalMapName )
logger.info('Loading lookup table values in the deploy script: ' + globalMapName);
var dbConn = DatabaseConnectionFactory.createDatabaseConnection( sqlDBDriver, sqlDBName, sqlDBDUser, sqlDBPassword );
var rs = dbConn.executeCachedQuery( sqlQuery );
var arr = new Array();
var obj = new Object();
obj.LeftValue = rs.getString('LeftValue');
obj.RightValue1 = rs.getString('RightValue1');
obj.RightValue2 = rs.getString('RightValue2');
globalMap.put( globalMapName, arr );
PopulateLookup( 'SELECT keyColumn as LeftValue, Value1 as RightValue1, Value2 as RightValue2 FROM tableName', 'GlobalMapName' );
// Repeat above line as needed for each lookup you need
function FindLookupValueWithDefault ( LookupGlobalMapName, LeftValue, DefaultValue1, DefaultValue2 ){
DESCRIPTION: Retrieves lookup table values from the global map and uses the input values to return output values
LookupGlobalMapName - name of the lookup table in the Global Map
LeftValue - The value to look up
DefaultValue1 - the first default value if a match was not found
DefaultValue2 - the second default value if a match was not found
An object containing the replacement value and associated OID if applicable
// Retrieve the previously matched item from the globalmap
// We do this to save time and not look through a huge lookup table tons of times
// unless we absolutely have to
var prevItem = globalMap.get(LookupGlobalMapName + '-Previous');
// This is the same item requested for this globalmap name - just return the previous value
if ( prevItem != null && prevItem.LeftValue == LeftValue) {
return prevItem;
// If we reach this point the previous item either did not exist or did not match
// Retrieve the array with lookup objects from the globalmap and search for the matching value
var arr = globalMap.get(LookupGlobalMapName);
var obj = new Object();
obj.LeftValue = LeftValue;
obj.RightValue1 = DefaultValue1;
obj.RightValue2 = DefaultValue2;
for each ( item in arr )
var pattern=new RegExp("^" + item.LeftValue + "$");
var result = pattern.test(LeftValue );
if ( pattern.test(LeftValue ) )
obj = item;
// Store the previous value in the globalmap
globalMap.put( LookupGlobalMapName + '-Previous', obj );
// Return the object we found or created
return obj;
var myObject = FindLookupValueWithDefault('GlobalMapName', 'LookupValue', 'DefaultValue1', 'DefaultValue2');
if ( myObject != null )
var value1 = myObject.RightValue1;
var value2 = myObject.RightValue2;
1) 使用您要查找的数据填充 Java hastable 或类似结构
在 Mirth 中使用 Java 的链接(链接)